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The darkness surrounding me was cold. I run through branches and managed not to trip over anything. My sweater was already torn so getting more rips didnt bother me. I see the tree with the ribbon around it and turn left. I manage to get to opening where we all met. The fire was cleaned up dn the blankets were gone. I walk over towards the river and look at the water. I couldn't see my reflection. 

I look towards the waterfall. I walk over to it and see there is a small opening behind it. I slip behind it and sit on the wet ground. I listen to the rushing water smash into each other. 

I see a shadow on the other side of the water. I get up and speak out. Gar is standing near the sapling tree away from the river. I get up and quietly walk over to him. He leans against the small tree and let's out a loud sigh. 


Gar does a small jump at the sound of my voice. His face lights up as I meet him at the tree. The fire flies light up the night around the river. I grab one of Gar's hands and tightly squeeze it. Gar brushes a strand of my dark hair behind my ear. 

"Couldn't grab shoes on your way put Rach?" Gar chuckles. 

I look down and finally realize I was barefoot. I giggle at myself. "No I couldnt. I had to catch up to you." 

Gar sighs again. He starts to pick leaves out of hair. "Looks like you went through a million branches. Twigs in your hair, dirt on your hands, and holes in your sweater." 

"I mean, I bought this sweater with holes. I just added a little character to it." I tug Gar around the tree and embrace him. His arms wrap around me. His heat warms me up. I didnt realize I was cold until I was in his arms. 

I put my face into his chest and sniff quietly. I wanted to stay here, with him. His body heat warming me while I stand cold and slightly damp in the night. 

Gar pulls back and takes my hand. He tries to lead me off into the darkness, but I stand my ground. He looks at me confused. I shake my head. "I'm not going with you Gar." 

Gar puts his hands on my shoulders and slowly trails his hands down my arms. He runs my upper arms a couple times. "You can. Let's go, right now." 

Tears start to form in my eyes. I put my hand on his cheek. "I'm sorry Gar. I didnt come back out to leave with you. I came out to say goodbye." 

Gar shakes his head. "No. Dont." 

"Gar," I start. "Obviously this isnt going to work. I thought I could ignore this new part of my life, but i cant. I need to accept that my life is no longer my own. I need to go back to Damien." 

Gar squeezes my arm. "Rachel, you are the pilot of your own life. You dont have to go through with this arranged marriage." 

Tears are now falling. "I used to believe that but, my father….he has made it very clear that he owns me now. He has taken me out of college." Gar takes my hands in his. "I want you to have a happy life. I will be doing some good. I'll be bringing peace between two gangs." 

Gar starts to rub the back of my right hand. "Rachel, your dad is doing illegal work. It is not your responsibility to bring peace between them. Do you even know what type of business he runs?" 

"Gar, I dont want to think about it. I just want to….I want to be left alone." I try to pull away from his grasp but he holds onto me firmly. "Gar, please. Just let me go." 

"I'm allowed to have my goodbye too right?" Gar looks down at me. He wipes my tears away and leans closer. He softly kisses me. I push him away but Gar grabs my waist and keeps me in place. Gar kisses me harder. I try to escape him but Gar is being stubborn. I do the only thing I could think of, I bite his lip. 

Gar winces and pulls back. I push him away and step back. "I'm sorry Gar." I turn and walk back the way I came. 

Hey it's Vila. I'm not sure if I'm going to have much of an update schedule. I finished my temporary job so I have packing to do. My spare time is relaxing. I hope you are enjoying this story so far. Go check out my other story too. Leave feedback and give me any suggestions

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