Victor and Dick

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After I organized my stuff a little more, my mother said her goodbyes and left. Kori really couldn't stay still. She practically dragged me out of our room to roam the campus. She had her schedule and wanted to find her classes. To my surprise, the buildings were unlocked. 

Kori rambled on how she wanted to work for NASA. Space fascinated her a d she wanted to be able to explore it. She talked about the stars and planets. She new facts that I didn't. It surprised me but I could tell when Kori sets her mind to something, it gets done. 

I did mention that I wanted to become an editor. I do have short stories that I have started, but I could never finish for some reason. I would be passionate about a story and then I would just slowly stop writing it. 

On our way back to our room, I spotted a raven sitting on a tree branch. I hold my phone up a d snap a picture. 

Kori looks over my shoulder. "Oh, what a pretty bird." 

"That raven shall be my new phone background." I scroll through my settings and make it my background. I like sharing a name with an animal. 

We walk into our dorm and travel up the stairs to our floor. As we made it to the end of the hall, a big tv was blocking our door. Kori and I look into Gar's room. Gar was lifting the frame of a bed up on top of another. The was another guy who was probably a good 5 inches taller than Gar, helping him with the bed. 

As Gar sets the bed down he waves. Kori gives a big smile and waves back. "Kori, Rachel. Come on in. Meet my roommate."

Kori skips into the room and I walk in behind her. The room seemed a lot bigger now that the beds were bunked. The desks and dressers were set up on two different walls. There was a table on the final wall, which I assumed would be for the tv.

"Hey, I'm Victor." Victor was very tall. He had to be almost six feet. Gar and Kori were similar in height, while I was the shortest at only 5'3". I wasnt very good at guessing height.

Kori gives Victor a hug. Victor seems a little caught off guard but he was good at hiding it. "Hello Victor. I hope we become good friends." Kori released him and steps back. "I'm Kori and this is Rachel." I give a small wave. "We live across the hall." 

"Aw man." Victor squeezes past us a d goes out in the hall. He picks up the tv and brings it back into the room. Kori a d I move out of his way so he can place the tv on the table. I felt something hit my back. Gar is trying to open a drawer to his dresser. 

"Sorry." We both say at the same time. I move a little to the right a d give Gar some room. Gar pulls out a playstation 4. He hands it to Victor and Victor places plugs where they need to go. There was a knock on the open door.

There was a taller dark haired boy standing at the entrance. He smiles and waves. "Hey guys setting up some games?" 

We all gather near the door. Gar speaks up. "Yeah. Just trying to get our room set up." 

Kori pushes her way to the front and hugs the guy. "Hello! I'm Kori." 

This guy was not prepared for Kori's friendliness. "Hi." He steps back and it kind of looks like he is blushing. "I am Richard, but you can call me Dick." Gar and Victor chuckle. "Yeah get the laughs out now. Anyway I will be your resident advisor. I came to welcome you and tell you that there will be a floor meeting at 7pm tonight." 

We all nod. Kori looks her arm through Dick's a d walks down the hall with him. "Dick never had a chance." I say.

Victor and Gar laugh. "She hug you too?"
Victor asks.

I nod. "She is like a ray of positivity." 

Gar plugs the huge power strip in to the wall. "Well, Rachel do you have game?" 

I look at the playstation. "Probably not."

Victor sits on the upper bunk. Gar sits on the lower one and Pat's the bed. "Let's see if you do." 

I shrug and grab a controller. I haven't played video games in years. How hard could it be? 

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