Beautiful Night

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The forest wasn't very dense. I was able to follow a small trail of trampled grasses through the darkness. My only issue was tripping over random tree roots. The first time scared me, then it just got annoying. Branches had to be pushed out of the way. 

Five minutes into the woods, I finally found the tree with the ribbon. There was a note with it. I slip the note out of the ribbon and unfold it. 

Turn left and keep going. I'll see you soon. -Gar

I stuff the note in my pocket and head towards my left. I walked further and tripped on another tree root, but this time I couldn't regain my balance. I see the earth rush towards me but a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I am brought upright again. 

"Rach you gotta be careful." Gar whispers in my ear. "If you got hurt, there won't be anymore sneaking out." 

I roll my eyes. "Thanks for the concern Gar." I turn around to look at him. "I didn't want to turn my flashlight on in case Ethel saw it. I've been stumbling around in the dark." 

Gar removes his arms from my waist and grabs one of my hands. "It will be worth it. This gets you out of the house." 

I smile and let Gar lead me a little further in the dark. He moved much slower than I. He made sure to avoid the tree roots and moved any branches that may get on our way. 

Gar eventually lead me to a small clearing in the trees. There was a high cliff on the other side supporting a waterfall. The river continued off to our right. What made the clearing really beautiful was the moon light and the fire flies. Together, they lit up the night. I no longer strained to see. It was pretty much like a scene out of a Disney movie. 

"Gar," I smile at him. "This is beautiful. How did you find this?" 

"I went looking around to find a place for us to meet up. You know, to get you out of that house." Gar and I stop in front of the water. "I thought this was the perfect place. Honestly, I didn't find it by myself." 

I bend down and look into the water. "Who helped?" 

Gar chuckles. "A skunk. I followed a skunk here." 

I shake my head and giggle. "I hope the skunk isn't here still." I stand up. 

Gar shakes his head. "Nope. Little one just passed through." 

I look up and the sky was gorgeous. The night was clear and the stars were visible. I curse myself for not remembering my constellations. 

I feel a hand close to mine. It was close enough to occasionally feel it lightly brush against my hand. The heat could be felt too. 

I look at Gar. His green hair was still vibrant in this darkness. He was slightly taller than me so instead of resting my head on his shoulder, I leaned against his arm. He laced his hand in mine. His hand was warm. 

I'm not sure how long we stood like that, but it was amazing. I was so relaxed, much more than when i meditate. I didn't want the moment to end. 

"Rach." Gar says. I turn and look up at him. "Don't freak out, but the skunk is on the other side of the river." 

I sigh. Great way to ruin a moment. I look back towards the water and the little skunk was getting a drink from the other side of the river. He was definitely a juvenile from the looks of it. The little one looks up at us and Gar waves. I roll my eyes but can't help smiling at him. The skunk waddles away back into the bushes. 

Gar and I sat in the grass for a  couple hours after that. We talked about school, our friends, and books. 

When it was finally midnight, I told Gar I had to go. I needed to get some sleep for our classes tomorrow. 

"Ok Rachel." Gar smiles. "I expect you to back here tomorrow though. Same time and place." 

I shake my head. "I will do my best Gar." 

Gar looks me in the eyes. "You always do." 

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