First Class

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The first day of classes came quickly. I hid in my room before hand. Kori wanted to walk to our buildings together. The science building was next to the creative arts building. The creative arts building is where all the English, history, and technology classes were held. Math was in the science building along with psychology. 

Kori gave me a hug and went inside the science building. I look at the creative arts building. It had three floors, and I was lucky enough to have my first class on the first floor. 

I walk into the building and quickly find my class. There were a couple others sitting down in the front row. I walk past them and sit in the back. I didn't like having anyone sitting behind me when I take notes on my laptop. I open my bag and set my laptop on my table. I grab my tea from another pocket. I was able to brew tea this morning with my electric kettle. 

Students started filing in the door. I noticed almost all of them had a coffee cup in hand. I looked up campus dining and apparently there was a coffee shop in this building. I saw green hair out of the corner of my eye. Garfield walked into class with a cup of coffee. He looked around the room and smiled when he saw me. I sigh as I see him walking towards me. 

"Hey Rachel." He smiles and sits down next to me. 

I try to put on my happy face. "Hey Garfield." 

Garfield chuckled. "You can call me Gar. Most people do." 

"Ok." I make a mental note of it. 

Gar places his laptop in front of him. "How are you doing this morning?" 

I don't take my eyes off my screen. "Fine. How are you?" I never was good at small talk. 

"A little tired." Gar glances at my screen. I was looking up species of corvid. "Looking up birds?" 

I rest my chin in my hand. "There was this raven or crow outside my window the other day. I just want to know what species it was." 

Gar got closer and looked at my screen too. I could smell his shampoo. I didn't exactly know how to describe it, but it definitely wasn't a bad smell. "Have you narrowed it down by our location?" 

I scroll back to the top of the page. "I did. From what I can remember it is probably just a normal American Crow." My eyes scan the page. "It says they are found in most places. The others seem to be smaller. Another says the only way to tell is by hearing them." 

Gar nods. "Yeah they are fairly common. They are also very intelligent. Where there is one, there are normally more." 

I think for a second. "I think they are pretty birds." I smile at the screen. 

The professor walks in and we all quiet down. My first university class was about to start. 

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