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I couldnt even tell you how fast Gar was driving. The car was silent when I hopped in it. Kori was in the back with Richard. The outside world was a blur. I glance over at Gar. 

"Don't you think you're going a little fast?" He had his eyes glued to the road. "Gar?"  I poke his hand resting on the armrest. 

"Huh?" Gar blinked a few times. 

"Don't you think you need to slow down?" I try again. 

Gar shook his head. "Nah. We have to put as much distance between them and you as quickly as possible." 

"I think you may need to go faster then." Richard and Kori were staring out the back. "We are being followed by a black car who is keeping up with you." 

"What?!" I exclaim. I look in the rearview mirror. There was a car following and a speed just as fast. 

Gar goes a little faster but  slows at turns. We are on a road in the middle of nowhere and had little time to prepare for turns. 

Kori and Richard are pulling out their cellphones. "We will look for a place to turn." 

I look over at Gar. He was a little sweaty and I could tell trying to hide how nervous he was. I put my hand on his and give it a reassuring squeeze. 

"I got it!" Richard is scrolling on his phone. "In about two miles there will be a turn that will take you in the same direction as the headmaster's. It will just a few minutes longer." 

"That's fine. I'm going to call him though." 

Gar used his voice command to dial his father's number. "Dad!" 

"Gar? Are you driving?" His muffled voice came through over the speakers. 

"Yeah. Dad, I kind of got myself into something. I'll be coming by the house but I need you to close the gate behind me manually. I'm being followed." 

"Why would someone be following you?" 


I cut Gar off. "It is my fault. It's Rachel. I tried to keep Gar out of my mess but he is stubborn." I smile at him. The headmaster chuckles. "My dad is trying to marry me off to some gang leader so he pulled me out of university. I escaped and had no one else to turn to." 

"Hmm." The headmaster went silent for a moment. "Do you have anything to prove that your father has been doing any sort of gang activity?" 

I nod. "I do. I was able to download some files from his laptop before I left. I have it on a flashdrive." 

"Good. I have a plan. Come by the mansion and I'll get the police. Gar let the car follow you in." 

The phone call disconnected and we all looked at each other relieved.


Gar slowly punched in the number of the gate to his father's house. He glances behind him and sees the black car pull in. He drives through and pulls up to the front of the house. 

"Oh my!" Kori has stars in her eyes. "This house is huge!" 

Gar glances at it. "Yeah it's your typical mansion. Too big for my taste." 

Suddenly the black car pulls up behind us and out steps my father. Another ten cars pull in and guys in black suits start filing out. 

All of us get out of the car and start heading towards the doors. Gar puts an arm around my shoulder keeping me close. 

"Raven!" My father's loud voice echoes. "You can't run from me." 

I bite my bottom lip. I turn to look at the army of men he brought with him. Gar takes my hand and looks into my eyes. He had confidence written on his face. I hope he had enough for both of us. 

We all hear a creak sound and the large doors of the mansion are opened. The headmaster wheels out in his electric wheelchair. "Rachel will be deciding her own future from now on." 

Behind the headmaster was a huge police force. They all run out arresting each man. One officer comes over to me. "I was told you have a flashdrive for me?" 

I nod and hand it over. The officer puts it in his pocket and heads over to the large group. Men were trying to run or punch the police but they were better. I spot my father in the crowd. He was trying to find his way to the back. He was about to sneak into some bushes when an officer grabbed his arm and started locking handcuffs on him. 

I smile and look at Gar. He was speaking with his father. I walk over to them. "I just want to thank you headmaster." 

He nods. "No problem. Gar has been happier lately and I couldn't watch his happiness get stolen from him." 

"Hey!" Gar nudges him. We all laugh. 

Richard was comforting Kori inside. The officer brings my father past me. "I have one thing to say to you." The officer pauses in front of us. My father looks at me. "Fuck you." The officer laughs and shoves him inside a police car. 

Gar slides an arm around my waist. I lean my head on his shoulder. "I have some good news Rach." 

"Besides my father going to jail?" 

Gar chuckles. "Yeah. My dad is giving you a full ride scholarship to complete your program at university. This time there won't be any interruptions. "

I couldn't hide my excitement. "Are you serious?!" Gar nods. I look at his father who was watching us from the doorway. I turn back to Gar and kiss him. 

Gar is surprised but cups my cheek as I wrap my arms around his neck. His warm lips were just what I needed in that moment. 

"Gar." I break our kiss. "I would want you to interrupt me on occasion though." 

The green haired boy smiled at me. "I would be honored to interrupt your educational experience. " 

I giggle and he brings me in for a more intimate kiss. 

I was finally free. 

I just want to thank everyone who gave my story a chance. I never thought this would be my most popular story. I planned out my Jacksepticeye fanfiction while I kind of just winged this one. I wrote this due to a fanfiction I read not being completed. I didn't think it would be completed anytime soon so I started this. Sorry for leaving everyone on a cliffhanger for so long. This is pretty much the premise of what I wanted the ending to be. Not my best but I thought everyone deserved some kind of ending.

Thanks for the reads, votes, and comments. Check out my other stories.


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