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Gar and I didn't contact each other since that night. A week passed by and I only heard from Kori. My father was telling the truth and did pull me from my classes. He wouldn't even let me take online classes. He told me I wouldnt need a degree for what my future was going to be. I still didn't even know what that future was.

Damien has started spending the day with my father and then watches me in the afternoon. Ethel has gotten in the habit of cleaning wherever I am. Staying in my room didn't really appeal to me anymore. Despite my father taking me out of my classes, he didn't bother to do anything with my textbooks. I started to self teach myself. It wasn't easy but I wanted to keep up on my education and it wasn't like I had anything better to do. 

Ethel found me in a spare bedroom trying to do some reading. "Raven." I slightly look up at her. "Your father sent me to inform you that there will be a gathering later today. You are to attend with Damien. I have placed a dress in your room. He expects you down in an hour. Would you like my help preparing?" 

Ethel didn't seem like a bad person, I looked at her more as a sheep. She is employed by my father and she does what she is told. I close my book and get off the bed. "No. I think I can manage." I brush past her and head towards my room. 

The dress was on my bed. I slip into it and grabbed some black wedge sandals. The dress was at my knees in the front and my heels in the back. It was a beautiful long sleeved white lace. I sigh and walk out of my room. Damian was just coming out of his room.

Damian heard me close my door and glances at me. He gives a dashing smile and puts his arm out. I walk over and loop my arm through his. He leads me in the direction of the stairs, but instead of heading downstairs, he keeps walking. I try to slow our pace. "Damian, where-" 

"Raven, I have seen how you unhappy you have been." We stop in front of my father's locked room. He pulls out a sharpie marker. "I really do like you, but I don't want you to be miserable," he turns to the keypad. "So I will help you. I want you to find your strength again." He puts a letter next to certain numbers. 3 with an A, 5 with a B, 1 with a C….

My eyes go wide as I realize what he is doing. He is giving me the code to this room. My father's secret room. My mind races thinking of the wonders behind this door. 

Damian turns back towards me. "This will get you in the room, whatever you do inside is up to you. I wouldn't mind if you get an upset stomach and have to stay away in the bathroom tonight." He gives me a wink. " I know how to distract your father in business conversations." 

I hug him. "Thank you Damian. I want to be myself again too. I haven't felt strong since my mother died." 

Damian puts the marker back in his pocket. "You do what you need to do, but at least make an appearance. I would suggest eating a little first." 

I smile. "I think I can come up with a plan to get away." 

Damian takes my hand. "Then let's get to our meal." He pulls me back to the staircase and we walk down hand in hand with an approving look from my father at the bottom. 

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