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Garfield Logan is the son of two brilliant zoologist. They were known for studying large primates. He went with them to Africa for research one summer when he was 12. His parents stumbled upon a rare disease. His parents did not survive and Garfield was very close to death. He was found by a Dr. Niles. Niles injected him with a serum and magically, Garfield was cured. The only thing was, Garfield's hair turned green. Niles adopted Garfield and raised him.
Raven is a girl who grew up without a father. Her birth mother vanished. She was raised by Melissa. Melissa was a friend of her mother's. Raven preferred being called Raven, which was her middle name. Rachel Raven Roth. Raven had barely any friends though. She was quiet and kept to herself. She always tried to keep her emotions in check by meditating. All she wanted was a normal life, but her birth father needs a daughter to marry a rival gang member to bring peace.

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