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"Raven!" The voice boomed through the house. "Are you coming?"

My mother's voice was loud as always. I look around my now empty room. All that was left is my dresser and bed. My walls were bare and my bed had no sheets. All of my belongings were packed into boxes and loaded into my mother's white mini van. University was my future now, at least for the next four years.

I walk down the stairs and go out to the front yard. My mother was closing the back of the van. I meet her at the front of the van.

"Oh Raven," my mother looked me up and down. "How did you grow up so fast?"

I roll my eyes. "That is what every mother asks."

My mother pulled me into a hug. "Well, I am a mother." She opens the passenger door for me. "We should get going."

I slide into my seat and she closes my door. She walks around and settles into the driver's seat. She turns the car on and off to my new university life we went.


The campus wasn't very big, not compared to some of the really well known schools. I decided to go to university at a smaller place. I didn't like standing out or really loud places. I wanted to still have my nice quiet time with any book and a cup of tea.

My dorm was coed, meaning my neighbors could be girls or guys. I didn't mind though. I just wanted to get my degree and get out. The line for the front desk was kind of long so I pulled out a book from my black handbag. I opened to where my bookmark was and patiently waited for the line to move. My mother didn't mind when I would read in front of her. We were both patient and quiet people in general.

We finally made it to the front desk. "Name?" A man who had to be at least 30 asked.

"Rachel Roth." I replied. I didn't mind my first name, but I did prefer Raven. I would probably have to get used to more people calling me Rachel here.

The man stared at the computer in front of him. I heard a few clicks from his mouse. He got up and grab a set of keys from a cabinet behind him. He lays them on the desk. I grab them. "Ok Rachel, your room number is 283.  Just go through the doors and up the stairs. You will be near the end of the hall."

My mother gives him a pleasant smile. "Thank you." We walk off towards the stairs.

The stairs were narrow and seemed to need to be cleaned. I assumed it was so dirty due to all the students moving in. A door leading to the second floor had a painting with a big tree with a person reading a book underneath it. I grab the handle and open the door.

There were more paintings on the walls. Most of them were nature  themed. I look at one side of the hall while my mother looked on the other. Eventually we found the room labeled 283. My mother smiles at me before I open the door.

Inside I found a very tall, very tan, red headed girl standing near the window. She already had pictures on the wall and her sheets on her bed. Half of the room was already decorated with pinks and purples.

My mother elbows me when I sigh. She gives me a look and pushes me forward. I walk further in the small room. The redhead turns around and gives a big warm smile. She immediately runs over and gives me a hug. I am startled by this gesture. Thankfully she pulls away and steps back.

"I am sorry, I just love meeting new friends!" She excitedly says. "I am Kori. You must be Rachel!"

I nod and hold out a hand. Kori gladly shakes it. "Do you mind if we leave the door open? It will make putting my stuff in here easier."

Kori continues to smile. "Oh why yes. We can leave the door open. Would you like some help moving boxes?"

I shake my head. "No thanks. I'm paranoid about my stuff so you watching the room while I go in and out will be helpful."

Kori goes and sits on her purple comforter with white polka dots. "Then I shall stay here."

I turn around and lead my mother out the door. "She seems energetic." My mother giggles.

"Haha. Let's get my boxes in the room."

Free Will (Raven X BeastBoy)Where stories live. Discover now