The Safe House

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The car ride seemed to take forever. I wasnt sure how far this 'secure location' was, but I am not liking it. I didn't want to be ordered around by someone who didnt even stay for my childhood.

The car stopped and a man opened my door. I was in the middle of the woods. There was a modern looking house at the top of the huge driveway. The man escorts me to the door and leads me inside. The only way to describe the inside was marble. Everything looked to be made up marble. The staircase was huge and shiny. I didn't have too much time to look at it because the man gently guided me to the side of it and into a living room. 

The living room was spacious but it was probably due to the large windows. The windows overlooked a valley and it was an amazing view. I would've went over to the windows but there was a large man sitting in an armchair in the corner. He gave me a devilish smile. "Raven." 

The way he said my name was very different than my mother's. Melissa always had love and praise behind it, this man seemed to be up to know good. 

I give a small wave. "Hello?"

The man stands up. He had to be twice my size. "Welcome home my sweet daughter." 

I roll my eyes and put my hands on my hips. "Why am I here?" 

My father put his hands in his suit pockets. "For protection, of course."

I point to the suited man who brought me in. "Then next time tell your people to not drag me out of my room." 

He gave the man a stern look. "I'll have a chat with them. I can't have them harassing my daughter." 

My father excuses the man and he takes me on a tour of the house. There were a dozen bedrooms and a dozen bathrooms, most with their on en suite. There was a fire pit out back and a large tv room. The kitchen was fully stocked, with an older lady dressed in a maid's uniform. She introduces herself as Ethel. She will be taking care of me while I live here. She seemed nice enough. I tried to tell my father I didn't need a babysitter but he insisted. Ethel would also escort me to and from the university. 

"Now Raven," my name stung me as it rolled off his lips. "I have some business to attend to. I will be here on occasion but I don't want to interrupt your studies." 

"Mhmm." Is all I say, still taking in the luxury at my fingertips. 

Apparently he was satisfied with my response and walked out the front door. I heard Ethel moving around in the kitchen. I walk up the long staircase and head to one of the rooms. I sit on on the fluffy bed and pull out my phone. I had multiple texts from Gar and one from Kori. I decide to call Gar. 

The phone only rang once. "Rachel!" 

"Hey Gar." 

"What happened? Are you ok?" Gar sound alike he is panicking. 

"I'm ok." I hear him sigh. "Those guys work for my father. He wasn't kidding when he said I was moving right away. I'm in a house in the middle of no where. A very fancy house. You would love the tv." 

"Is that Rachel?" I hear Kori's voice. Gar answers her. "Rachel!!! Your so mean to move out!!" 

I honestly feel bad. "I'm sorry Kori. It wasn't really my decision." I give her a summary of what happened. Gar had put me on speaker. 

"Can we come visit?" Kori asks. 

"I don't even know where I am. I'd say sure if you can find me." I hesitate. They probably can't find me. 

Gar speaks up. "That sounds like a challenge to me." 

I roll my eyes. "Everything sounds like a challenge to you." 

I can hear Gar start to pout. "We miss you already. How will I ever play video games with you now?" 

I laugh. "Tomorrow is Monday. I will see you tomorrow. " 

"But that is only for class!!" Gar can be so immature sometimes. I like it though.

I hear a knock on my door. "Hey guys, I've gotta go." Before they could say anything I hang up. Ethel walks in my room with a plate of shrimp. 

"Miss, I thought you would like some lunch." 

I nod. "Sure." Ethel places the plate on a nearby table and walks out. 

I grab the plate and slowly eat. I couldn't remember the last time I had shrimp! We could never afford it. I devour the entire plate and lay on the bed. I stare at the ceiling. I hear my phone vibrated. I grab it and see another text from Gar.

Gar: almost found ya 

I roll my eyes and look out the window. The forest was so beautiful and peaceful. I would've killed for this a week ago, but now, I miss my friends. 

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