Boring Meeting

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Well apparently it was extremely hard to play video games now. Not because I was clueless, it was because I was playing with two gamer boys. Garfield and Victor completely destroyed me multiple times. We tried different games and I still sucked. We just kept playing Mario Kart since I was best at it. We played for a couple hours until it was time for our floor meeting. 

Victor and Garfield were rambling on about some game as we all walked down the hall. There was a little larger area near the staircase, and that's where most people were gathering. Dick saw us coming down the hall and smiled. Kori was sitting right next to him. 

"Welcome guys. Could you just sign your names here? Then you can find a seat on the floor anywhere." Dick handed Victor a paper and a pen. He signed it and passed it to me. I sign my name and hand it to Garfield. Our hands touched as I gave him the pen. His fingers were warm and soft. 

The three of us made our way over near Kori. She smiles at us. "Hello friends! Dick is very nice. He answered many of my questions." 

Dick cleared his throat and everyone quieted down. "Hello everyone. My name is Richard but you can call me Dick." He paused letting the snickers and chuckles get out. "Yeah I know. Let's all be mature about it. I will be your resident advisor this year. Most would make the residents do a meet and greet for the first meeting, but I figured you guys can do that on your own time. I'm going to be straight to the point for these meetings. They will be as needed for the semesters. The point of this meeting is for my introduction. I am Dick and I am a criminal justice major. I try to do a floor work out club on Sundays. Feel free to join. It usually starts at 7 am. Now you guys can go." 

Dick and Kori sat next to each other and continued talking. Some others got up and left while others sat and talked. I got up and started walking down to my room. I heard Victor and Garfield further behind me. I unlock my room and walk in. I go to close the door but Victor and Garfield follow me in. 

I give them a look. "Yeah just come on in." 

Victor sits on Kori's bed. Garfield just stands in the middle of the room. I walk past him and sit on my bed. I grab a book and open it. I glance at the guys. They were both looking at their phones. I roll my eyes and look at my book. 

My peace didn't last long because Kori came in. "Oh Rachel!." She sits right next to me. I try to ignore her but it's hard. "I believe this will be a wonderful semester." 

"Why do say that?" I ask. 

Kori claps her hands together. "We have new friends and we will be learning new things." She looks at Victor. "What is your major Victor?" 

Victor looks up from his phone. "Sports medicine. I am on the basketball team too." 

Kori smiles. "Yay! We will go to your games won't we Rachel?" She elbows me. 

"If I don't have homework sure." I keep looking at my book. 

Kori then looks at Garfield. "Gar?" 

Garfield puts his phone in his pocket. "Vet medicine. I have a thing for animals." 

I could feel his gaze on me. I glanced at him and he smiles. I sigh and close my book. He did have a cute smile. I try to think of a similar topic. "Well we are all freshmen. Let's compare schedules." 

Kori loved the idea. "Yes! Look up your classes." 

When we finally compared or schedules, Kori did not have anyone in her classes. She was in advance classes so I was not surprised. Victor and Garfield had a computer class together. Victor and I had a math class together. Garfield and I had an English class and history class together. I don't why, but Garfield seemed happy about knowing everyone's schedules. Personally, I just wanted to go to sleep.

This story has started out really slow. I hope to get the story really going after I finish my other story. I usually do multiple updates when I am off of work but I have been writing at lunch.

Hope you enjoy

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