The Great Escape

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When Damian and I made it to the bottom of stairs, my father nodded at us. He motioned for us to follow him to the dining room. Once there, Damian pulls my chair out for me and I sit down. Damian and I were on the right side of my father. There were other men and women around the table that I didn't recognize. The appetizers were distributed and the men started to talk business. I didn't understand any of it but Damian chimed in a few times. 

I nibbled on food until the main course was placed in front of me. Luckily it was a chicken dish and I happily ate about half of it. I give Damian a look and he nodded at me. I pretend to whisper in his ear and Damian whispered in my father's. My father looks at me and nods. I wipe my face with a napkin and I excuse myself. 

I quietly walk pass the bathroom and hurry up the stairs. I try to go jog my way down the hall but my heels clicked louder as I went faster. I get to the door and look at the keypad. I press the numbers in the order that Damian had marked for me and the door opens. I use the side of my hand to wipe the marker off. I shut the door behind me.

The office looked grand. The walls were covered with book shelves and the drapes were closed. The large wooden desk in the room clashed with the modern furniture throughout the house. 

I sit down in the huge chair and flip open the laptop. The laptop was password protected. I start to open every drawer possible and shift through them. I look around and see one book slightly different from the rest. I go to the shelf and grab the book. Someone had put it back upside down.  I open the book and run my fingers over the pages. One page was torn and had a series of numbers and letters on it. I bring the book to the laptop and copy the sequence. The laptop unlocks and the homescreen appears. I set the book aside and look in another drawer. Bingo, a flash drive. I stick the flash drive in and start to copy passwords, documents, and all saved data. The laptop was high end, so it didn't take long to download the data. I take the flash drive out and close the laptop. I look down at my dress. No pockets, thanks again. I put the flash drive in my bra and quietly exit the room. I silently walk down the hall back to my room. 

I close my door behind me and start to throw my things around. Pillows, blankets, clothes, papers, anything I could. I slide my heels off and start to tie my laces to my combat boots. I take the flash drive out of my bra and stick it in my left boot. I open my door slightly and finally take one of the vases from the hall. I look at the stairs and take a deep breath. 

I let the case fall to the floor. There was a loud crash and I dashed back into my room. I grab my phone and start my decent out the window. I squeeze out the window and drop on the opposite side that I usually do.

I didn't look around or anything. I just ran. I didn't go the normal path to the clearing where the meet up was in fear of being followed. My feet were on autopilot and just took me deeper into the woods. I tripped a couple times and my dress was probably torn, but I needed to run. 

I could hear people shouting in the distance. My breathing was hard and my heels started to hurt but I didn't stop. 

I eventually found a small river. I don't hesitate and start to run through it. I was very tired by now. I slip my hand into my boot and grab the flash drive, afraid of it getting wet. The river went up to my waist and I finally slowed my pace. I put my hands above my head and slowly made my way across the river. 

I walk into some nearby bushes and sit down. I was so tired. I took deep breaths and turned my phone on. I try calling Gar, but he wouldn't pick up. I sigh and go to my other contacts. I dial Kori. 

"Rachel?" Kori's voice is quiet. 

"Kori!" I exclaim a little too loudly. "Kori I need you to tell Gar to answer his phone. It's important." 

I hear a door close on her end. Kori speaks a little more loud. "He's in class. I should be too. Why what's up? 

"I need him to track my phone." 

"Why?" Kori sounds confused. "I thought .."

I don't let her finish her thought. "Damian gave me a chance and I took it. I'm currently somewhere in the woods. I have been running for a while." 

Kori gasps. "Ok. I'll get him. Hang in there." The line goes dead. 

I look at my phone and my battery is at 30%. I sigh and turn the screen dark. I can't waste any battery. I need them to find me. 

I try to stand up, but my legs wouldn't move. It was a good thing because I hear voices come closer and a drone was flying nearby. I quietly slide down in the bushes and roll on my stomach. The voices quickly got closer and I start to hold my breath. I see the drone fly off, back towards the house. Branches and leaves crunched as the voices got louder, but suddenly all went quiet. I close my eyes and try to listen. 

"Let's go back. Boss wants to regroup." The footsteps went in the same direction as the drone. 

I let out a big breath I was holding in. I lay in the bushes until I couldn't hear the voices and footsteps anymore. 

I slowly sit up and brush some twigs out of my hair. I take a deep breath and stand up. I hold both my phone and the flashdrive in my right hand as I walk away from the river.

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