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After my classes, Ethel was in the same spot she dropped me off. I get into the car and she pulls away. She tries to make small talk about how my day went. I try to be polite with her. I mean it's not her fault that my dad has decided to control my life. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. 

Its Gar. I can see you moving. I'll let you know when I see you stop :)

I text him back with an ok. I stare out the window for the rest of the ride. 

Ethel puts the car in park out front and opens my door. I get out and hurry up to my room. I look at my phone. Nothing from Gar yet. I wanted to text him but I knew I should wait. 

Five minutes later, Gar texts me. You stopped moving?

Yes. I'm up in my room now. 

You are an hour and forty minutes away from campus.

I never kept tracked. Always feels like it takes forever.

Well if you calculate morning traffic it call take a while to get to campus. Seems like you are in the middle of nowhere. 

I told you Gar. I have no idea where I am. 

Dont worry ;) you wont be alone for long

What are you talking about?

It's a surprise

I roll my eyes. Gar has to be up to no good. I take out a few textbooks and start reviewing what was presented today in my classes. I had to do something to get my mind off of Gar. 

A while later the sun set. I packed my things for my next day and was in the middle of meditating. My phone starts to vibrate. Gar was calling me. "Gar?" 

"Rachel." He was practically whispering. "I am going to text you some instructions. Can you follow them?" 

I roll my eyes. "I can follow instructions Gar. I know how to read." 

"This should be easy then." Click. 

I wait a few seconds and a series of texts come. The first one Gar sent told me to sneak out the back of the house. I bite my lip. I slip on my combat boots and look out my window. Ethel would definitely hear me if I walked down the stairs. My windows dont have anything under them to break any kind of jump. I walk out of my room and close my door. 

I glance up and down the hall. I head towards the east end of the house. I head into the corner room that faces the back. I look out a window and I spy a box next to a trellis. I roll my eyes and open the window. 

Slowly I put my feet in different places on the trellis. I put my weight down and thankfully I don't fall. I climb down and get to the box. I slide off the box and get my phone out. 

Next I am supposed walk east until I find a tree with a red ribbon tied around the trunk. I think about turning my flashlight on but decide against it. I let my eyes adjust and slowly walk into the darkness.

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