Early Start

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As a creature of the night, mornings did not come easily to me. Living on campus meant I could sleep in longer, but now that I live in the middle of the woods I expected to wake up earlier. 

Ethel woke me up at 6 AM. I don't know why, since my first class wasn't at 8 AM. I took a shower and blowed dried my hair in my private bathroom. I eyes seemed dull in this lighting, or maybe it was showing my morning happiness. I throw on some black jeggings and a purple crop top. I walk down the stairs with my backpack. 

Ethel was in the kitchen and boy did it smell good. I walk in and see her crying some bacon, and an omelette was already on a plate. I stand at the center island. 

Ethel doesn't even look behind herself. "Raven, you can start on the omelette, it has cheese and ham. The bacon should be done in a moment, but it will be hot." 

"Thanks." I grab the plate and slid into a bar stool. I take one bite and it made my morning so much better. I for one do not like cooking. Eating someone else's cooking is good but when they are good at cooking it makes it amazing. The cheese was gooey and the ham was in small slices. I see the plate of bacon slide next to me. Ethel smiles and I give her a thumbs up. 

Ethel walks over to the refrigerator and takes a lunchbox out. "I made you a taco wrap with a side of rice. There is an ice pack in there to keep it cool." She grabs a reusable water bottle from the refrigerator too. "This a filtered water bottle. I stocked the kitchen with different types of teas." 

I get up and put my dishes in the sink. I walk over to a cabinet and open it. There had to be twenty different kinds of tea. I grab some herbal and stick it in my lunchbox. 

Ethel smiles at me. "Ready to go?" 

I look at my phone. "It's only 7. I don't have an early class." 

Ethel grabs a pair of keys hanging near the refrigerator. "We don't want you to be late." 

Ethel and I walked out of the kitchen towards the front door. 

The car ride was still really long. I tried to keep track, but I fell asleep. When I was fully awake, I was back at campus. I get out of the car and wave goodbye to Ethel. She drives off. 

Ethel was right. The car ride only got me here 15 minutes before my class. I start walking in the direction. 

Gar was sitting in our usual spots talking with Terra. I slowly start to walk up the steps  but Gar spots me and runs down to meet me. He brings me into a tight hug. "Gar." I poke him in the shoulder. "Can't...breath." 

He chuckles and let's me go. "I was honestly afraid you wouldn't show. How would I pass this class without you Rachel?" 

Terra was glaring in our direction. I really couldn't understand what her problem was. If she liked Gar so much, why didn't she ask him-. I didn't want to finish the thought. I realized my heart ached at the thought of Gar and Terra going out. 

Gar snaps me out of my thoughts by dragging me up the steps. We both sit down just as our professor walks in the room. Gar whispers to me. "We can talk at lunch." I nod and face the front. 


The morning flew by. I was sitting with Gar and Victor in the cafeteria. Gar actually had to use a guest pass to get me in because technically this cafeteria is for dorm students only, or I had to pay to get in. Victor is starting on his first burger, while Gar opted for a vegetarian wrap from the sandwich counter. I took out my lunch box and started to dig in. Victor looks at my taco wrap. 

"Hey Rachel, I'll trade you a fresh burger for your taco wrap." 

I shake my head. "My babysitter is good at cooking. I'm not giving up her food easily." 

Gar looks at it with disgust. "How could you support the meat industry so easily Victor? Do you know what happens to animals in a slaughterhouse?" 

Victor takes a large bite of his burger. "I try not to think about it because meat is so good." 

I let out a little laugh. "I've tried fake meat…..not for me." I take another bit of my wrap. Ugh it's so good.

Kori and Dick come over with Asian noodle dishes. "Rachel!" Kori practically squeals. "I am so happy to see you!" 

I nod at her. "It is kind of lonely in that house. Ethel spends most of the time cleaning and cooking." 

Victor and Gar look at each other and then away. Before I could speak, Kori does. "Rachel, we should do the video chat more. We can still act like roommates even if we are not." 

"Of course Kori." I motion to the boys. "What was that side eye for?" 

Victor speaks first. "How old is your nanny?" 

I roll my eyes.  "Shes gotta be in her fifties or forties. Why?" 

"I bet we could all totally sneak in and out without her knowing." Gar suggests. 

I shake my head. "I'm pretty sure my father hired her to watch me. There's gotta be a way she is still watching me even if I'm upstairs. "

Gar takes my phone. He taps a few buttons on mine and his. He hands it back. "With this app, we can see where your phone travels. Just act natural and I'll see exactly where you are going after classes." 

"Ok. This will show my location, but how much does this help?" 

Gar taps his head. "I've gotta a plan. Just wait and see." 

I don't know if I should be afraid or excited.

So my days off keep changing. I write at the local laundry mat. For some reason I focus really well there. I will still be posting on my days off but they may not be the same day each week. Sorry for the inconvenience. I work a temporary job and I'm at the bottom of the ladder so I get switched around.


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