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After class Gar and I continued talking. He wasn't as bad as I thought. He seemed very humble and actually nice. We talked about our majors and future classes. Gar had a list of video games he wanted me to try out. He would start easy and slowly get me to harder games. He was also funny. We walked right into our history class together and sat in the back almost like our english class. 

After history, our friends met us for lunch in the cafeteria. Kori went on about how great her classes were. Victor was talking to Gar about how the computer class they had was moved to being online. Dick and Kori looked very close. Dick couldn't take his eyes off her. I was able to get a little reading done. 

I couldn't help but look up over my book a few times. Each time Gar got up I noticed that he would make a new friend. Getting a fork, napkin, or another serving, Gar was chatting with the person next to him. A couple times Gar pulled out his phone and handed it to the other person. I assumed he was exchanging numbers with people. 

I noticed one girl in particular watching him. She was a thin blond girl. She was glancing from her food to Gar. She seemed a little nervous. Gar got up to go look at dessert and her eyes followed him. She took a deep breath and got up. She walked right over to him and started talking. Gar smiled and talked to her. They exchange numbers and go back to separate tables. The girl seemed very happy. Gar just seemed like his normal self. I shrug and put my book away. I wave to the others and head to my next class.

Math is easy for me, but Victor seemed to be struggling on our first day. The professor encouraged us to try out problems before going through them as a class. I would finish a problem and watch Victor glare at his paper and scratch his head. I felt kind of bad for him. I caught him after class. 

"Victor." I say.

Victor sighs. "Hey Rachel. I am so glad that class is done. I think I have a headache." 

I walk out of the room with him. "Victor, it was painful watching you during class. Thought your head was going to explode." 

Victor chuckled. "Math isn't my strong suit. It takes a lot for me to get it. I have signed up with a private tutor a couple days a week because I knew this was going to be a challenge for me." 

I smile. "Good for you. If you need any help, just let me know." 

"Thanks Rachel." 

Victor and I made it back to our dorm. As we walked in there was a loud commotion going on in the first floor game room. Victor and I went to take a look.

Gar, Dick, and one other person were standing near the pool table. Kori was on a stool nearby. She waved us over. There was a small crowd of people standing around and talking. I noticed the blond girl was here too. 

Victor goes over to the boys a d high fives them. I stand next to Kori. "What's going on?" 

Kori linked an arm through mine. "Oh, Rachel. Gar bet he could beat Dick in this game of pool. Whoever loses has to do the other's laundry for a month." 

I roll my eyes. I motion to the crowd. "Why are these people watching?" 

"Some are friends of Dick's, but apparently Gar is a popular person. The rest are new friends of his." 

I look at the bunch of people. I mean Gar was nice but I didn't expect him to make this many friends. Gar got a ball into a pocket and the crowd cheered. Dick shaking his head. Kori sat a d clapped. The blond girl gave Gar a thumbs up. 

I turn away to leave, but Kori wouldn't unlink her arm. "Rachel, are you leaving?" 

I tug on my arm again. "Yeah. I want to go organize my stuff for tomorrow." I had classes on everyday except for for Friday and the weekend. I wanted to get a headstart. 

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