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Everyone's eyes went wide, including my own. Victor's jaw dropped, Kori looked hopelessly confused, and Dick….well Dick was hard to read. 

Kori broke the silence. "Rachel can't have a fiance. She and Gar like each other too much. It's very obvious." You could tell she was nervous while speaking. 

Damien turned to her. "Our families agreed to it. Raven IS my fiance." Damien starts to walk over towards Gar and I. 

"Why do you call her Raven?" Dick asks.

Damien stops and looks over at him. "Because that is her name." He holds out a hand. "Come Raven. We're leaving." 

I frown at him. "Damien you cannot tell me what to do. I may be engaged to you but that does not mean I am your property." I put my arms at my sides and ball my hands into fists. "My first name is Rachel. Raven is my middle name. My mother liked to call me Raven, but since her death I can't stand to hear the name. It is just too sad for me." 

I realize Gar has been silent this whole time. I look back at him. "Gar?" 

It was dark, but I could still see the confusion, the hurt, the disbelief on his face. I try to stay close to him, but he backs up. "Gar, can we please go somewhere and talk about this?" 

Gar just looks at the ground. My heart breaks. He cant even look at me. I figured this would be hard, but I thought we could work this out together. I wanted to be a team with him. Isn't that what being in a relationship is about? 

Gar takes a step back again. "How long has this been a thing?" 

I could feel the distaste roll of his tongue. I had tears forming. "This is what I wanted to tell you...and so much more Gar. My father just walked into my life and believes he can control it. I don't know what to do." My voice gets shaky. 

Gar just shakes his head. He turns away from me. "I need some time to think." He walks off into the darkness. 

The tears were starting to fall. I feel a hand on my shoulder. Victor was there. "I'll go talk to him." Victor vanishes in the direction that Gar went. 

I didn't know what to do after that. I fall to the ground and just sit there. Tears streaming down my face, looking into the dark. I hoped Gar would come back, smiling and tell me everything is ok. Kori eventually came and sat next to me. I don't know what happened to Damien, and frankly, I don't care. I just want Gar. 

Kori shakes me a little. "Rachel, it's getting late. Shouldn't you be heading back?" 

I look at my phone. It was late, but I didn't want to go back. That small expensive house was like a prison for me. 

"She's not going back." 

I look up and Gar is standing in front of me. Victor was by his side. I wanted to stand and speak, but crying takes a lot of energy. Kori speaks for me. "How could she not go back?" 

Gar bends down to my level and wipes a tear away. "I know where to hide her." 

Dick walked over to us. "How are you going to hide her from her father?" 

Gar looks up. "I'm going to make a visit home. I hope everyone likes home cooking, because we are all spending the night at the headmaster's house." 

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