The Boy with Green Hair

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Kori was not on the same wavelength as me. I would probably say she is the complete opposite of me. She was loud and energetic. I just want peace and quiet. I'll be nice but hopefully I don't get dragged into anything annoying.


I drop my last box and I land on my butt. I groan a little and try to see what I ran into. There was a boy standing over me holding a hand out. I look up and notice his bright green hair. I take his hand and stand up. I brush my clothes off and pick up my box again.

The green haired boy had three others standing behind him. The first was a talk and lean man with a long green coat. The other man was just as tall but had more muscle. The woman was a little taller than me and was dressed in a vintage dress. The boy was short compared to these people.

"Garfield!" The woman exclaimed. "Apologize immediately. Are you hurt girl?"

I shake my head. The boy I assume named Garfield, was rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm sorry. You're ok right?" He looks at me. Then his face goes soft. He just stares at me for a couple of seconds.

"Yes I'm ok." He was still staring. "Do I have something on my face?"

The boy blushes a d quickly looks at the floor. "It's not polite to stare Garfield." The lean man says.

The boy holds out a hand. "I'm Garfield Logan. You can call me Gar."

I shake his hand. "I'm Rachel Roth."

Gar smiles. "Do you live on this floor?"

It seemed to be a dumb question but he could just be polite. "Yeah. I live in 283."

Gar's face lights up. "I live in 282."

"So you guys will be neighbors." The larger man says.

"Well I should get to my room." I motion to the box I'm carrying. "Still have unpacking to do."

The group gives me a smile. "I'll see you around Rachel." Gar nods at me.

"See you around." I quickly wonder back to my room.

In my room Kori and my mother were chatting. I set my box next to the other two boxes. I dont really own many things, so I am very good at packing light. I rented books so most of my boxes are full of clothes and shoes. The rest is school supplies.

"Rachel! What took you so long?" Kori seemed to be pouting.

"I bumped into a green haired boy and dropped my box." I lift the lid off of a box and start hanging my clothes in my half of the closet.

"Oh that is Gar!" Kori clapped. "He is the son of the dean."

I turn around. "Well he lives across from us."

"Yes. I hope to be good friends with him."

Kori seemed to want to be friends with everyone. As long as I could manage minimal contact with her, I'll survive. I just want to get through my classes.

I glanced out my door as I was putting a coat on a hanger. Gar had his door open and was looking at me. I give a small wave. He snaps back to reality and waves back. Garfield Logan is one weird person.

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