Damien and the Family Business

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To be awakened by my alarm the next morning, put me in a sour mood. I hated waking up this, early. To make things worse, I was happily dreaming of a green haired boy. I sigh and get up. I quickly brush my teeth and my brush my hair. I look at myself in the bathroom mirror. I decide to add a little eye liner and bring some lip gloss with me. I put on my best pair of black ripped jeans with a nice black lace top. I grab my backpack and walk down the stairs. 

Ethel meets me at the bottom and puts a hand up. "You will not be going to campus today." I start to open my mouth but she continues. "Your father has arranged for little gathering. You will be attending. I will be up in three hours to help you get dressed. Your father wants you to look appropriate for this gathering." 

I frown and walk back up the stairs. I open and close my bedroom door. I drop my backpack and fall on to my bed. The one time I put effort into my appearance….

I fall back asleep in hopes of seeing more of my green haired boy. 

A loud knock on my door wakes me up. I sit up and yawn. My phone has fives messages. Ethel walks in as I look through them. Gar and Kori were worried since I didn't show up today. I send a reply in a group message and set my phone aside. 

Ethel hangs a dress bag on my mirror. She unzips the bag to reveal a dark blue dress. The dress had a sweet heart neck line with lace long sleeves. The skirt was shorter in the front than the back. The bodice was covered in glitter. The dress wasn't horrible, but I knew I would be finding glitter for the next ten years at least. 

Ethel helped me into the dress and  braided my hair the best she could. She removed my eyeliner I put on this morning and put on some glitter eye shadow. She puts light blush on me and covers my lips in bright red lipstick. She brings me silver heels and slides them on my feet. I didn't realize I was a child who couldn't dress herself. 

Ethel give me a look over. "I'm sure your father will approve." She opens my door and motions for me to follow her. 

I stop at the top of the staircase. Ethel quickly made her way down and stood next to my father. Next to him was a man who could've been a relative, and young man who looked about my age in dress clothes and a bow tie. Ethel motions in my direction and all the men look up at me. My father motions for me to walk down to him. "Raven, come join us." 

I take a deep breath and slowly walk down. I'm more of a chunky heel kind of girl, so these needle thin heels made me a bit nervous. The boy my age couldn't take his eyes off of me. I could feel my face turning slightly red. I hope the blush covers it. 

I made it next to my father and stood on his right side. He puts an arm around my shoulders. I try to step away but his grip was tight. "This is my daughter Raven. Raven this is Felix, a business associate of mine and his son Damien."

Felix gave me a head nod and Damien extended his hand. I give Damien my hand and brings my hand to his lips. I slowly bring my hand back to my side and try to hide wiping my hand on my skirt. Damien wasn't a tall man, maybe my height. His hair was as dark as night and his green eyes reminded me of someone's hair. 

My father guides me to the back of the house. "Come. We shall discuss our futures over a meal." 

Ethel made us a brunch. There were hash browns, sausages, and eggs Benedict. Wine was out to taste, although I thought it was a bit early for wine. Damien kept glancing at me the entire time. I tried to be polite and give him a warming smile, but I think it made him embarrassed as his face turned red. 

My father's stern voice snapped me into his conversation. "Raven I need you to pay attention." I roll my eyes, not even trying to hide it. My father makes an irritated face. "Damien will be taking the same courses as you at the university. Ethel will drive both of you to and from university. Damien will be in the bedroom next to you from now on." I give a confused look. "Raven, you will be with Damien anytime you leave this cabin. Understand?"

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