I am your father

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I let Gar into my room. I sit on my bed and he sits right next to me. He puts his arm around my back and starts rubbing his hand in small circles. I grab my pillow and hug it, resting my head on top. "Sorry." I say.

Gar shakes his head. "I lost my parents too remember? It's a tough thing to go through."

I turn my head towards him. "That doesn't give me an excuse to snap at you." 

"Well my feelings aren't hurt, so you can just forget about it. You have your own problems to worry about." Gar gives me a comforting look. 

Suddenly my phone rings. I look at it and do not recognize the number so I let it go to voicemail. It rings again with the same number. I sigh and answer it this time. "Hello?" 

"Hello daughter." A deep voice comes through the phone. 

I make a confused look. "Who is this?" 

"My name is Tristan. I am your father. I was alerted when your mother passed. I am so  sorry my child. Do not worry I will take care of you." 

The color drained from my face. My father has been alive and just hadn't thought to check in on me? Why would I want his help? "I'm an adult. I can take care of myself." I say.

"Oh Raven, you are anything but. Pack your things, I will be moving you to a more appropriate location. You will still go to university, but I want you in a more….secure location." 

"I dont want to leave!" I look at Gar. "You cant just walk back into my life and expect me to listen to you!" 

The deep voice sighs. "This is why you are still a child. You don't want your mother's killers finding you, do you?" 

I was so confused. "My mother was killed by accident in a drive by." 

The deep voice laughs. "That's what the authorities told you? I know for a fact that she was targeted and killed. I do not want that to happen to you. I will send some people over to pack your things for you. YOU," he empathized you. "Will be waiting in the parking lot. I have a car on the way already." 

The phone went quiet. He already hung up. There was no arguing with him. I look at Gar. "What happened?" He asks.

"So apparently my dad wants to walk back into my life and tell me what to do." 

Gar is surprised by this. "He just called you and starting ordering you around?" 

I nod. "He's moving me out of the dorms. Says I need to be protected from my mother's killers. The police told me it was an accident." 

"I wish I could help." Gar gives me a sympathetic look. He grabs one of my hands. "I wish you didn't have to leave the dorms." He squeezes it. 

Gar's hand was warm. I close my eyes and rest my head on his shoulder. He makes me so calm. I can't believe I didn't want to make any friends a week ago. It's been a short amount of time and I love my new friends. Kori isn't as annoying as I thought. The guys were fun. Gar was special though. He made me feel safe, wanted, and loved. I couldn't say for sure, but I may actually be falling for this green haired freak. 

My door slammed open. There were two men in suits walking in. One of the started organizing my things into piles. The other one grabbed me from Gar and pulled me out the door. I heard Gar yell my name as I was being dragged out of the dorm. The man leads me to a black car with tinted windows. The back door is opened and I am practically thrown into the car. The door closes and the car pulls away from the dorm. I could see Gar standing at the entrance. Victor soon joined him. The car turns out of the parking lot and campus is quickly getting smaller. I can't believe what just happened. 

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