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"Gar, I can't go with you." I say. 

Gar shakes his head and walks towards me. I take a step back, bumping into Kori. "Gar, be reasonable. If my father can just yank me out of the dorms, don't you think he could do something if I disappear?" 

Gar frowns. "I can't let you go back to that house." 

I start to lose my patience. "Is it because you care for my wellbeing, or is it because of Damien?" 

I could see the hurt show slightly from Gar. He could be so stubborn sometimes. "I don't see how Damien is relevant to me wanting you to have a little freedom." 

I look around at everyone. "Can I speak with Gar privately please?" Kori leads everyone away. I walk closer to Gar. He takes my hands and kisses them. "He hasn't touched you has he?" 

"Gar!" I take my hands back. "I don't know what you think of Damien, but he is not a bad guy. He is misguided but he does care for me." 

"I'm sorry. I guess I'm just jealous!" Gar sighs.

I take one of his hands. "Gar, you have nothing to worry about." I squeeze his hand. "I have to go back though." Before Gar could protest I continue. "I would like to get out of this dress first of all. Then I would need my books for classes and I do need to talk to Damien. I'm not entirely sure we could get me out without his help." 

"Fine. I'm going with you though." 

"I was hoping to have a couple days." I try to back away but Gar wouldnt let my hand go. 

"Rachel, I can't stand the thought of you in there any longer." 

I roll my eyes. "Fine. Come with me. You can be so annoying." 

Gar smiles as he follows me into the darkness. I lead him back to the house. I point to the trellis and he helps me up. Gar follows and we slip in through my window. I trip over my own feet and Gar ends up catching me by my waist. He brings me up and our faces our just inches apart. He smiles and I start giggling. 

"Glad to know you two are still on speaking terms." 

We turn and Damien is sitting in his usual place. My face turns red and Gar stiffens slightly. I put a hand on his chest to try and calm him. 

"Are you still speaking to me?" I raise an eyebrow at him. 

He gets up and walks towards us. I let go of Gar and meet Damien halfway. "Say goodbye to Gar. I think he has been around you enough for tonight." 

I shake my head. "Damien, you seem like a nice person, but you have to stop telling me what to do. We haven't even known each other for a week. If you haven't figured it out yet, my father is controlling my life." 

Damien looks behind me for a slippery second. "Well this treaty will only work if you marry me. I'm sure your father would love to hear about your affair." 

I frown. "You wouldn't do that, would you?" 

"Unfortunately for you, he did." 

My eyes go wide as my door opened behind Damien. My father was still in his suit from earlier. His facial expression sent chills down my spine. "I guess having a maid wasn't enough. I guess you do need need a babysitter." He motions for me to come towards him, but I can't move. My feet are frozen to the floor. Damien takes my hand and walks me to my father. He turns me in Gar's direction. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. "Garfield, I suggest you go out the way you came. It could be problematic for Raven if you were seen by my guest." 

Gar looks at me and heads out the window. He didn't look back. 

"Raven don't expect to go back to classes. You have lost those privileges." 

I hear him walk out. Damien sits back on the couch. "Raven, you can't resist your destiny. Family is always first." 

I feel a tear fall down my cheek. "I have no family. You have made that happen." 

I walk over to my closet and grab some leggings and a sweater. I close myself in my closet and change. When I open the door again Damien is still there. I give him one look and climb out my window. 

I practically jump the two stories to the ground. I run off into the darkness searching for my green haired boy. 

Free Will (Raven X BeastBoy)Where stories live. Discover now