He Returns

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Hayleys POV

Just another day in the office. Looking over cases, going to meetings, being CEO. While looking over a case my phone starts buzzing. Laurel. " Hey Laurel what's up?"

"Change the channel to the news right now."

"Okay?" I say while turning on the TV.

"After 5 years Oliver Queen has survived the Queen Gambits boat crash and is now safely returned to-" I immediately turn the tv off.

"Hey Laurel I'll call you back" I procceded to hang up and freak out.

He can't be. Helping Moria and Thea through everything. I was finally coming to peace that he was- My secretary then comes barging in interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Someone on line 3 needs to speak to you. They say it's urgent."

" Okay thank you Alyssa."

"Hello this is Hayley-"

" Did you see the news? You have to come over."

"Okay Thea I'll be over in a few minutes."

I got my purse and walked out of my office and told my secretary to cancel any meetings I had today. I made my way down to my garage. For me I prefer to drive myself then someone else driving me. I got into my black Lamborghini and drove to the Queens Mansion as quick as I could.

Once I arrived I parked and went inside to be greeted by Thea. "This way" she says while pushing me towards the living room.

"You know Thea I can walk you really don't-" I  meet a pair of eyes I never thought I would see again. "Ollie?"


"Holy shit." He comes over to me and hugs me.
We stay like that for a few more seconds and then I let go and punch him in the arm.

"Hey what was that for?!"

"That's for leaving and for Laurel." I found out about him and Sarah when he called me saying he's on the boat and I heard Sarah in the backround. I knew something was wrong because I'm his best friend and all but I just couldn't find out what.

Then Tommy came down the stairs and says "Oh hey Hayls."

"Hi Tommy." I said walking towards him to give him a small hug. One thing I do know is him and Laurel. I noticed how they were different around each other so I interrogated Laurel into telling me and I swore not to tell anyone. And yes Tommy does know that I know.

"So Hayley I was going to take Oliver here around the city to show him around and tell him about the things he's missed would you like to join us?"

" You know I would love to Tommy but I have to be somewhere. Ollie I'm extremely happy your back and I wish I could stay but I really have to go."

"Okay I'll walk you out." I said goodybe to everyone.

"So Hayley I was wondering if you would want to come over today? You know to catch up, tell me how life's been?"

"I would love to Ollie but I'm very busy."

"Yeah of course. Bye."

"Bye Oliver." I give him one last hug and smiled. After our goodbyes I leave.

I know I'm not busy today I just have to take this all in that he's alive. I started driving to CNRI. I parked then walked inside and saw everyone stare at me and whisper to each other. I'm well known and the fact that my best friend is back from the dead I wouldn't be surprised that everyone's talking. I saw Laurel at her desk looking stressed out. " Hey Laurel."

" Oh hey Hayley I didn't know you were coming."

" Well after everything that's happened today I just wanted to check up on you."

" Yeah I'm fine just working on some cases hoping to score a good case."

"Laurel you know I would be happy to let you work at Knight Industries.

"I know Hayls, I just want to finish here and then start going into the "big leauges."

"Yeah I get it."

"Okay well call me if you need anything Laurel you know I'll always be here."

"Of course Hayley call you later?"

"Of course." I gave her a quick hug then went to the one place that calms me down. My lair.

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