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Thea's Trial

Moira hired a lawyer who I was not found of because he honestly wasn't the best but I wanted to see what he did.

I arrived at the Queen's house. I walked into there living room "I think you might want to prepare yourself's for the possibility that this isn't going to go our way."

"I'm sorry to butt in and I have no idea who you are but I am Hayley Knight. Nice to meet you." I said to the attorney. He froze knowing who I am. Every lawyer in the city knows me.

"The Queens do not need to worry because there is something you forgot. My father can make this go away. He can talk to the judge and possibly let this slide for a deal that I will be talking to the Queen's about alone. Good day." With that he left.

"Oh Hayley I don't know what my family has done to deserve you." Moira said giving me a hug.

After talking to my dad he made calls and the judge agreed to let Thea be under probation and be a intern at my office doing community hours.

"So Thea the judge will let this slide if you agree to work for me as an intern to fufill 500 hours of community service and two years probabtion. The court is allowing someone to watch over you and assume responsibility for you. Aka me."

"Hayley I love you but no."

"Thea, you don't have a choice." Oliver said to her.

"Actually I do. See I'm 18 now and I can make my own decisions. So i decided to not to be your best friend's office monkey." Thea said.

"Okay Thea well since you want to be this way I will gladly act the same. I can get you out of this and can easily put you back into the mess you put yourself in. I don't need to help you but I am choosing to because I care about you Thea. But again I'll let you think about it since your 18 and make your own very smart decisions." I said with a sly grin and got up.

"Thank you" Oliver whispeared in my ear.

"Mhmm." I said and left.

Oliver and Diggle wanted to get rid of this vertigo guy, known as the Count. We were currently waiting for the Count to show up so we can 'buy drugs'. He finally arrived. One of his guys checked us and I said "No you are not touching me."

I took my coat of and showed them how I didn't have anything on me. "So why would the famous Oliver Queen and Hayley Knight want my vertigo." The Count said eyeing me. Pig.

"Well I'm opening a club and I want my costmers to have something...extra."

"And the pretty lady." The count said looking at me.

"Well my workers work hard so why not add something to there bonus." I said giving him a grin.

The cops later showed up, the Count ran for it. Oliver, Diggle and I hid behind a car. I could see Oliver looking at the Count. "Ollie don't you-" but he ran off before I could finish. Oh come on! Diggle and I ran after him. He had two syringes in him. "Shit Oliver." I said grabbing his face. "yeah yeah I'm fine." I scoffed.

"Diggle come on." DIggle grabbed Oliver and we made our way to the hideout. Few minutes later Diggle layed Oliver one the table and was putting some sort of antidote together. "Oliver look at me and just try and stay still." Diggle came rushing over but Oliver grabbed him by the neck. "Oliver let go!" I said.

I did the only thing I could think of. I got onto the table and straddled so I could put my knees on his hands so he couldn't move. "Oliver drink." Diggle said. He gave him the drink and Oliver started screaming in pain. Then he became unconscious. After about five minutes he woke up. His eyes widened when he saw me on him. "Why are you on me?" Oliver said. "Well you did try to strangle Diggle and so I couldn't hold both your hands down at the same time so I just did this. Now before I get off of you, you promise you won't kill us?"

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