Too New Begginings

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"Okay time to start pushing." The nurse said.

"ARGH!!" I said gripping onto Felicity's hand.

"Wow you have a strong grip." She said.

"Okay you got this momma keep pushing." the nurse said encouraging me.

"I can't do this!" I said nodding my head no.

"Yes you can! Few minutes of pain for a lifetime of happness." She said and I nodded. I kept pushing and pushing until I hear the cry's of a baby.

"Say hello to your baby girl."

"She's beautiful." I said while the nurse cleaned her up and handed her to me.

"You did it." Felicity said.

"Well it was worth it." I said smiling at my beautiful baby.

"What's her name?" Felicity asked.

" Anastasia... Anastasia Rose Queen."

"Queen? Your giving her-?"

"He is her father. He deserves some credit."
I said smiling at Felicity.

A few weeks later and the house is finally finished. It was beautiful. A big 2 story mansion. 3 car garage. Library, pool, you get the point. Away from people but still close to the city.

I put Anastasia in her crib and walked around my new home with my thoughts.

When will he come back? Why did he leave? Does he know about the baby? Did he ever get the voicemail? I wonder how he is right now...

"7 months and I still miss you." I said sighing.

"Just come home."

I walked back to the nursery and admired my baby while sitting down on the small couch. She has her fathers eyes but other than that she looks like me. I'm happy she got his eyes. My favorite thing about him. Those gorgeous eyes he has. I got up and and walked over to her.

"You'll meet him one day. But for now it's me and you against the world." I whispered to her.


Very short chapter I know but I wanted the baby to be born by the end of this book. I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have! I wanted to thank the readers who comment and vote but also to my silent readers that read every time I publish a new chapter! This has been amazing for me and can't wait for the future!!!

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