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I'm deciding to take a break of fighting due to my leg. It's badly bruised so if I were fighting and someone hit it I'd be done. But I have been keeping tabs on the green hood. According to Dad he killed James Holder or so they think. The not only found arrows but bullets.

I know for a fact that the Vigilante does not hold a gun on him. Only arrows. So who is this other person? From the sound of it they don't seem like one of the good guys. Not that the hood is any better but I feel as if he is helping this city. Laurel called me asking if I wanted to go to the club tonight with her and Joanna. Of course I said yes but I had to cover almost my entire leg with foundation because of the bruise.

Laurel and I were at the bar. "Well, well, well, look who we have here." I turned around to see Tommy and Oliver.

"Hello boys." I said

" Isn't this against the law. You know for lawyers to have fun and a break from work?"

"Very funny Tommy." Laurel said.

"Hey Ollie. Oh my god Hayley heyyyy." Laurel said. She ran into Oliver. "I am so drunk right now like sooooo drunk."

"Thea you are hanging with the wrong people." Oliver said.

"HA says you. Haven't you heard?"

"Thea don't." I said

"No Hayley I think he deserves to know that his ex and guy best friend are screwing."

"Thea!" I said

"Oliver-." Tommy said

"It's okay Tommy."

Thea walks away and Max the club comes up to Oliver. He takes Oliver somewhere else. Tommy runs over to where they took him. It was taking a while so I decided to check on them. They were fighting Tommy and Oliver. Max was right in front of the curtain so I pushed him and punched his back, twisted his arm around his back and kicked him in the stomach two times then kicked his legs out under him.

"Are we done here Max? Or am I gonna have to beat your boys asses too?" I said.

"You three are banned from this club for life! Get the hell out!" Max yelled.

I rolled my eyes. "You guys okay?" I said

"When did you learn to do that?" Oliver said

"Live with a cop remember? After my parents died he made me take some self defense classes. Now this clubs sucks and I'm hungry so why don't we get some food?" I said with a small smile.


We entered Big Belly Burger. " I'll get you guys some burgers so go find a booth." Diggle said waving at a waiter.

"Wow that girls hot."

"That's my sister in law." Diggle said. Once he said that I slapped Tommy's arm.

"Um I will never speak or look at her again... Hayley and I are going to go grab a booth."

Oliver came over and Tommy said " Oliver look I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that to you."


"No Oliver you and Laurel were still a thing and you were dead and that just ruined the bro code."

"Tommy it's fine."

"See this is why I love us. We always forgive each other." I said smiling at both of them.

Oliver's phone starts ringing. He starts speaking in Russian. " there's a Russian model calling me can I." I rolled my eyes and said

"yes Ollie we will leave." I said with a chuckle.

Oliver POV

I got a call from the people I asked to find this guy. He was in an apartment and I had to stop him. I left to go after him. I broke down the door and started shooting arrows at him. I took cover once he started shooting. I went to get him but he jumped out of the window and disappeared. I took his computer and went to the one person I know can help me.

"Felicity Smoak I need you to help me. I'm having trouble with my computer and I was told you were the best person to help me."

After she told me what she found I couldn't do this alone. I couldn't save all of those people. I needed help. I put the hood on and went to find Detective Lance.

He was not happy but he believed me. This guy will end tonight.

Hayley POV

Thea invited me to come to the auction tonight. She said she wanted moral support to be around her parents. So I decided to come. I was a good partner with Walter and good friend to Moria.

I walked into the auction to see Thea with her family. "Hayley thank you so much for coming."

" Of course Thea I couldn't leave you all alone." I said hugging her.

We walked over to her parents. "Oh so pleased you could join us." Walter said.

"Of course and congratulations."

" Thank you and please excuse me." He said

Oliver POV

"Ah Oliver so glad that you could attend."

"Walter some of the Unidac bidders were murdered. I think we should be more careful. My mother already lost one husband.

"Well if Moira shared you concern she wouldn't have brought your sister and Hayley."

Hayley POV
"Oliver I didn't know you were coming." Moira said.

"Diggle I need you to get them out of here."

"Oliver what's going on?" I said.

Then gun shot were fired. Everyone ducked and Oliver grabbed my wrist and ran. He took my face in his hand. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I said

"Are you hurt." He said to his sister and mom.

"Diggle get them out of here now."


"No your protect them. Them!" Oliver said.

Diggle guided it us till it was safe. Diggle left and everyone went home. I went with the Queens to there house to wait for Oliver. I couldn't do anything but worry for Oliver. "Please be safe Oliver." I whispered.

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