Mr Sommer Part 2

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Hayley POV
Finally I got home to my penthouse with police officers parked outside my apartment. After a while I hear my elevator ring.

I got up to see who it was.  "Oh hey Ollie what's up."

"Well my sister was telling me that I should talk to someone about you know."

"Yeah I do." I said with a smile. "Well then welcome.

"So you got a penthouse now huh?"

"Yeah. Also how did the doorman let you in?"

"My name was on your list."

"Oh right. Anyway what's in the bag?"

"While I was on the Island it was hard and different so I actually dreamed about this and promised to do this with you once I got back." He took out ice cream.

"Aww you thought of me and you brought our favorite ice cream. How sweet." I said with a smile.

We were eating our ice cream and I decided to ask "So are you going to work at Queen Consolidated?"

"Honestly I don't want to. But I have too."

"Ollie you know your an adult and can say no once and a while."

"Oh but I tried. My mother expects me to just walk right back into my normal life."

"Then don't. Show her your not the person she thinks or wants you to be. Be the person who you want to be and show her that."

"Yeah I can try."

Then we heard creaking."Did you hear-." He looked at me and put his finger over his mouth.

"There's someone in the vent." He got up and grabbed my hand and tried running to the elevator but someone was in it and started shooting. "Come on this way."

We ran towards my room but someone broke through the window and started shooting at us. We ran back to the living room and got surrounded.

Ollie held my hand tight and then Diggle came out of no where and shot the guys. The the girl with white hair started fighting with him. She got him on the ground and was about to kill him but then Ollie let go of my hand and threw a knife right at her hand. I was surprised and scared so I ran to Ollies arm and he held me close to him. I felt oddly safe in his arms. "Mr Queen are you alright."

"Yes Diggle."

Ollie looked down at me and held my head and said "Are you okay?" I didn't respond but I just nodded and he brought me close to him again. About five minutes later detective Lance and Laurel came through the door and Lance ran towards me a gave me hug

"Hayley you okay?"

"Yeah Dad I'm okay"

"Hayley!" Laurel yelled and gave me a big hug.
"I was so worried about you."

"Laurel I promise I'm okay." 

"You! When your near one of my daughters people die. Never go near Hayley or Laurel again or next time you disappear it will be permanent."


"No Hayley-"

"It's okay I understand." Oliver said.

"Ollie." I said with tears in my eyes. After everyone left I needed to end this once and for all. It ends tonight.

I drove to the lair and quickly got changed and drove the the wearhouse. There was already ruckus meaning he was here. I saw Sommers running away and went after him. Then ran into the green hood. "Fancy seeing you here" I said while we both ran into the wearhouse where Sommers ran to.

The green hood let go of an arrow and I threw a knife right next to Sommers. The green hood was interrogating him when the lady with the white hair said

"Get away from him."

"Make us." I said she then ran at me to punch me I dogged and kneed her in the gut. She doubled over. I used that to my advantage and kicked her in the face. "Oh I'm sorry did I just hit your 'pretty face'?"

"You'll regret that."

"Yeah right." I said laughing a little.

She kicked me in the gut and went to punch me but i grabbed her hand twisted it and brought it behind her back. I went up to her ear and said " Like I said I won't be taken down so easily."

She kicked my shin which made me let go. I dropped down and swiftly kicked her legs so she fell over. I went to stomp on her but she rolled out of the way. I went to kick her and she caught my leg and twisted it and I fell."You really shouldn't have done that." I said kicking her gut letting me get up.

We started punching and dogging each others punches when she wasn't blocking her stomach I punched her as hard as I could. I'm pretty sure I broke her rib. We were about to go for another round when the cops came. I started limping towards a storgae container when all of a sudden I got picked up. What the hell.

The green hood picked me up and shot an arrow when on the container and once we got over it detective lance yelled "Put your hands up!"

Green hood let me go and we turned to him. The green guy shot an arrow at Lance and I accidentily yelled "NO!" Shit. Couldn't keep your mouth closed could you?

Once I realized he just hit his gun I turned around and kicked the green hood guy in the stomach. I shot my arrow towards the building and was off.

It's weird. That archer helped me. Why? Why is he helping me Hayley Knight?

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