Arrow Team

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Diggle and Oliver caught me up on everything going on. They told me how they think Moira is connected to the book and his fathers death some way. So Oliver was paying her a visit. I was currently in the hideout with Diggle waiting for Oliver while pacing. "Diggle he's taking too long. What if something happened to him. Ugh this is why I go with him."

Diggle grabbed my shoulders and said "He will be fine now stop pacing your making me sick." He let go and I nodded.

"Excuse me." Diggle and I both turned around with our guns.

"He's bleeding and...really heavy." Felicity said.

"I told you something was wrong! Go go!" I said to Diggle. I was getting all the medical needs. A bit later Diggle came down carrying Oliver. "Put him on that table!" I said pointing to a table.

"Okay, okay. Just missed the artery so Diggle you know what to get. Felicity." I said taking her arm. "I need you to apply pressure right here." Giving her a towel and guiding her hands on his wound.

Diggle came over with a blood bag. "Is that?" Felicity asked.

"Oliver stored his blood in case of a rainy day and right now it's pouring." Diggle said coming over next to me.

"Do you guys know what your doing?"

"Had some medical training in the army."

"My um mom was a nurse so she taught me some things." I cleared my throat. "Okay the bullet is still in there so who wants to get it out?"

"No one okay." I grabbed the tools needed and carefully took out the bullet and put it on a small tray. Diggle and Felicity started to clean up while I was stitching Oliver up.

Diggle POV

"Thanks for the help" I said to Felicity while she was looking around.

"No problem but I have a question. Is she the?

"Other vigilante yes."

"And are they together cause look at them." I turned to see Hayley standing next to Oliver holding his hand.

"Yeah. But I don't think they want anyone knowing."

"Guys!" Hayley yelled.

Hayley POV

"Wait you didn't say clear!" Felicity said.

"The machine's not working." I said.

"The wires." Felicity ran over to the machine and fixed the wiring,

"Clear!" Diggle yelled and Oliver's heart rate started going agin.

"Jeez." I said resting my forehead on top of Olivers.

Diggle let out an aggravated grunt. "This is worse then him running off of rooftops."

"Agreed." I said walking over to a chair.

"Not to be rude or anything but you guys don't seem to be okay with this stuff. You know killing." Felicity said while playing with Oliver's bow.

"My parents died when I was 17 which is why it was awkward to talk about my mom. Anyway ever since that night I've blamed myself for them being killed. Why would someone break into a nice family's home just to leave their daughter all alone. Sure I was becoming of age at the time but that's when I saw the reality of the world. People die or get hurt because of bad peoples doing. So ever since that night I've become... well this. Making sure this doesn't happen to anyone else."

"Doing this with Oliver. It's helped. It's helped us feel better as people." Diggle said and I nodded agreeing with him.

"Even though it's worth all the collateral damage." Felicity said walking up the the table Oliver's on.

"Yeah I've killed people. But-"

"There's never peace in a war." Diggle said finishing my sentence.

We all were talking for a while waiting for Oliver to wake up when he started moving. I quickly got up and went to his side. "I guess I didn't die. Again. Cool." Oliver said.

I rolled my eyes and we all let out small laughs.

"SCPD got a sample of your blood but I am not getting it terminated." Felicity said turning around in the rolly chair.

"Why'd you upstate my system?" Oliver asked.

"It was bothering me how old it was and it looked like it was in the 80's. Not the..."

"I let her because she's right. Even my system isn't this bad." I said.

"Your system? Wait do you have a hideout?"

"Ehe. That's a topic for another day."

"The reason I helped and well set up your computer is because I want to find Walter. He was nice to me. But after we find him I want to go back to my boring old life as an IT girl."

"Deal." Oliver said.

"Also please tell me you have a bathroom. I've been needing to go for a while." Felicity said which caused us all to laugh.

"It's right upstairs to the left." Oliver responded.

"Thank you." She said about to run upstairs. Oliver stopped her and said "Thank you" while reaching his hand out. I smiled.

"Oliver I know you didn't want to bring her into this but this is dangerous stuff.  Who's going to protect her. I mean your mother shot you."

"My mother shot me because she was defendig herself and she begged. Begged me not to kill her because you know why? Because of me and Thea."

"But she is involved in-"

"In what! We don't even know what it is! So until then she is off limts."

Diggle got his stuff and left. Oliver sighed. I walked over to him and gave him a hug. "I'm sorry." I said in the crook of his neck.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." He said hugging me back.

"We'll get through it. We always do." I said. And we stood there hugging each other in a comfortable silence because no matter what happens we have each other. We always will.

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