"It's not like we can't keep a secret."

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Hayley POV

"Wow so I'm really doing this." Thea said to me while we were walking to one of my workers office.

"Yes Thea you really are. Plus it won't be too bad. Since I am partnering you with Sofia." I said entering Sofia's office.


"Well I think you two would make good team plus she has something going on that's similar to your case."

"Hi I'm Sofia. I have to work here on probation from my other law firm. Trust me not that fun but you get used to it. Also Hayley I don't know if you heard but Cyrus Vanch was released from prison today."

"What!? I'm calling Kate" I said going over to the phone.

"Don't I already did and she said don't call or visit her."

"Are they forgetting who he is? He's connected to human trafficking, drug selling and so many other things and there letting him loose?" I was interupted from my phone Laurel. Just the person to call.

"Excuse me and you girls have fun." I walked to my office while answering the phone. "Before your saying anything let me guess your here to call me about Cyrus."

"Wow you really can read my mind. I tried calling kate and everyone I know but they can't do anything and I would ask you to you know. Be the other you but I don't want to put you in harms way so I think there's only one person to call."

I sighed. "Yeah your right. Okay so call him tell him everything and then we will see where thing's go from there."

"Okay. I'll call you later."


I was at the office all day catching up on paperwork, meetings, etc when Laurel called me telling me he wants to meet. Laurel and I were waiting on the building when we heard "Hello Laurel, Hayley." We turned around to see him across from us.

"Did you find anything?" Laurel asked.

"I found him outside talking about how he..." He started getting quiter. Dad and SCPD come out of the stairwells.

"SCPD." Dad yelled. Oliver grabbed me and put a knife to my neck. "No!" Laurel yelled while dad grabbed her.

"Laurel. Hey it's okay, it's okay." I said.

"If you hurt her or anything I will drag you down to hell myself!" My dad yelled.

"Hayley I'm sorry." Oliver whispered to me.

"It's okay. I understand." I whispered back.

He pushed me to Laurel and ran. Laurel quickly hugged me and we stayed like that until I saw dad running after him. "Dad! NO!"

Laurel and I went back to the precinct waiting for our dad. He arrived and Laurel and I started yelling at him. "I don't know what's worse. You using us or almost getting Hayley killed!" Laruel started off.

"Are you crazy?! Using BOTH of us. Just to get over this stupid vendetta you have against this guy!"

"You were fine. Both of you." Dad said.

"Yeah we were so fine! Guns pointing at us and Hayley having a knife to her thoat!" Laurel reprimanded.

"Well you shouldn't have been on that roof in the first place!"

"No! You wanted us on that roof! Like am I wrong?  Using Laurel to contact the vigilante and then try to catch him but you failed at that anyway! So you put us in danger for nothing! Just to get hit in the head and put Laurel and myself in danger!"

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