The Green Hood

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Hayley POV

I was currently in my office looking over the Adam Hunt case. Today it looks like a green hood guy stopped him in a garage parking lot demanding him to give the money back. How do I know?

"Come on hunt where are you" I mumbled to myself. The computer shows me he's in a parking garage. I see him and his associates get out of the car. Okay time to go pay someone a visit. I grab my bow and a few knifes. When getting there I see police and ambulences.

"What the." I decided to look around. I quickly hid behind the car to find a green  arrow.

"Bingo" Then I flee the scene.

End of Flashback

So obviously this green guy is doing what I'm doing. Or at least I hope so. I made a few calls to Laurel since she is the one working the Adam Hunt case. Then my phone starts ringing. Tommy

"Hey Tommy what's up?"

"Are you coming?"


"Oh my god Oliver's party! Sorry I got so caught up with work I'll head over now. Also what should I wear."

"You know something sexy. So maybe you can bring home a guy because someone-

"Tommy shut up." I said while laughing.

"Ok we'll get your ass over here. Oliver is waiting for you."

"Okay I'll be over in 5 minutes. Bye"

I get changed into my party clothes and pack my 'hero' bag. After I finished getting changed I went through the resturant and went into my black jeep. As you can see black and purple are my favorite colors.

I arrived at the party and damn Tommy and Oliver know how to throw a party. I parked  the next building over so I could go through the back of the building.

"I say go for Carmen Golden."

"Really Tommy already setting Oliver up on his first day back" I said.

"Like I said I'm his wingman." I laughed.

"Hey I'll be right back I'm going to go talk to Thea." Oliver said.

" Okay." Tommy and I said in unison.

"So when we're you going to tell me." He said looking at me.

"What could you be talking about?"

"Oh come on Hayls I see the way you look at Oliver. Anyone who doesn't is blind."

"Then Oliver is blind." I muttered.

"What was that." Tommy said

"Nothing Tommy. Even if I did like him it would never happen. I also can't do that to Laurel. "

"Then talk to her."

"Looks like someone beat me to it ." We turn to see Laurel and Oliver talking.

"Tommy if anyone needs to talk to Laurel it should be you. I know you two have something going on and honestly I think it could work." Then my phone started buzzing.

"But I do have to go now there's something at the office I need to finish."

"Okay thanks Hayley." He said giving me a hug. I walked towards the back and started heading to the side stairs when I saw Oliver run up the main stairs and Diggle on the floor unconscious. No way he can't be. It makes sense though. Getting out of the zip ties. Now this. Oh my god. No Hayley you just overthinking it. Right overthinking.

After having a mental fight with myself I run to my car and get changed. Once changed I used my bow and arrow to get through and empty office window. Thank god no one heard that. I started walking towards the Hunts office when the lights shut off. Please don't be here. Then a green arrow came though the elevator. Great he's here.

Time to have fun I thought with a smirk. I run at a guy. They were about to shoot me but I caught there gun and threw it out of there hand, stepped on his thigh and swung around to be on his neck. I used this advantage to snap his neck. Thank god he fell forward so I could easily jump off. I turned around and threw two of my knives at the men and aimed for there necks.

That's going to be fun to clean up. Then I get put into a choke hold. "Ha got you now" yeah I don't think so. I kicked him where the sun don't shine which made him let go of me. Quickly turned around and did a roundhouse kick to his face. He should be down for a while.

Then the green hood threw a guy through the door. They thought it was us and so they shot. I jumped on the guy to the left and stuck knives on both sides of his neck. The green hood guy shot the other guy. The green hood guy took his bow pointed it to Hunt and shot. "You missed."

"Did I?"

Then out of no where he got tackled and Hunt ran. I decided to run after him. "There here." He said on the phone. Then I took my bow and shot his phone. " Oh I'm sorry." I said with sarcasm.

I kicked him in the stomach and he doubled over which I used to my advantage and kicked him on the face. I turned around and heard gun shots. Oh no. I ran back to the office to see the bodyguard dead and no green guy.

I looked next to the desk and saw his feet. I saw him and his chin. To be fair I closed my eyes and put his hood on and when I moved my hand back he grabbed my hand. Then we heard police coming and he grabbed me and jumped out the window.

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