The Undertaking Part 2

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"So your telling me Malcom Merlyn is the other archer?" I asked Diggle.


"Argh!" I yelled hitting a table.

"It's okay we will find him." Felicity said.

"Wait his tracker...His boot tracker! He put one in there just in case something like this ever happens."

"Your right." Felicity said. She typed on the computer and said Oliver was in an abandoned wear house. Diggle and I got into my car and I drove. After 5 minutes we arrived. I ran inside with my gun and looked around until I heard yelling. I ran into the room and shot a guy who was going to shoot Oliver.

"Oh my god." He got up and ran to hug me.

"Are you okay?" I said letting go and holding his face.

"Yes I'm fine. Thank you." He collected his stuff and we left.


"The undertaking is happening tonight." Oliver said walking into the hideout.

"Hayley and Felicity might have found something." Diggle said.

"This symbol the map of the old subway system." Felicity said

"That's what made of think it was connected to the glades."

"What if it's more specific than that."

"If I had a machine that could trigger and earthquake in a geologically stable place. Where would I put it?" I said.

"Underground... I know where it is." Oliver got a phone call.

"Felicity can you turn on the news please."

"My name is Moira Queen and god forgive me I have failed this city. I have been involved in something due to my family being threatened. It's called the undertaking and someone is planning on leveling the glades tonight. I know I know. But the architect behind all of this is Malcom Merlyn. I have proof he's killed dozen to let this happen. Like my husband Robert. Please get out now. Your lives and children's lives matter. Please and I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry." Felicity said.

"Don't be she gave those people a chance to live. I need you guys to find the device and disarm him." Oliver said.

"So you can get Malcom by yourself?" Diggle asked.

"I have too. He's beaten me twice and I don't know what else to do."

"Then you do this. Bring me. Oliver ever since you brought me.. us into this we're here for you."

"We're your team." I said.

"Hayley and I will do the dismantilling." Felicity said.

"I want you both out of here. This place is ground zero."

"I don't know if you forgot about this but I'm the other vigilante. It's also my job to protect my city."


"Okay Felicity let's do this." I said over comms.

"Pull out the circut board and there should be a timer."

"Got it. 7 minutes."

"We will finish it in 3. So your going to cut the blue wire."

"Okay got it....Oh no." The timer started going down.

"Felicity only two minutes...There's not enough time.

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