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Hayley POV

I heard the door open and quickly got up. "Where have you been!" I said to Oliver.

"Hayley what are you doing here?." He asked me.

"Oh I don't know. Making sure you family doesn't go crazy. I mean Oliver what were you thinking running off after we all just got shot at! I don't know if you know this but people actually care about you okay? You can't just keep disappearing on everyone. I know you like to be alone but you just can't be so selfish! I got used to it over the years but Thea, Moira, Walter? There not as used to it. They don't know you like I do." I said and started walking out.

"Hayley thank you for staying with my family." Oliver said.

'Yeah I actually care about how people feel." I said and left.

The next day ( Night time)

Laurel and I decided to hang out tonight because we've both been busy with work and haven't had much time to hang out. "So Laurel how is-" the lights shut off. I grabbed Laurels hand and ran the kitchen. I opened the oven and hit a butten under the stove.

Then came down 4 different guns in a secret compartment. I grabbed my glock 26 and started to mover back to the living room. Once I turned around I saw him. The green hood. "Laurel stay behind me." I said pointing the gun at him.

"Hello Hayley." He started to move closer.

"Don't move any closer!" I said and he put his bow down.

"Laurel go to my room and lock the door. Now!" She surprisingly listened to me.

"Look I don't know who you think you are but your messing with the wrong woman okay. My dad's a cop and if I tried I could beat your ass."

"Hayley I'm not here to hurt you. Peter Declan is going to be executed in 48 hours and I think he's inoccent. Jason Broduer framed him for killing his wife."

"There are over a thousand good lawyers in this city why me?"

He was moving closer and he lowered my gun. He started walking behing me. "I know you want to help this city."

"How are you so sure I will actually help you with this." I felt his breath on the back of my neck.

"Because I know you would do anything to save an innocent man." Then he was gone.

I ran into my room to check on Laurel. "Hayley are you okay? And why the hell do you have so many guns?"

I knew this day would come so I told her. To my surprise she was okay with what I've done. She understood. To be honest I didn't do horrible things. At least compared to the green hood. He would kill anyone but I would only kill if I had too. She also said she would help me with this case.

The Next Day

I have been in my office all day. Laurel said she would go talk to Declan while I looked over every piece of evidence I could find. Laurel believes she found something and so did I. Later that night we agreed to meet up with the hood. I told Laurel to go herself while I would be there to just not as myself. In case he did something I would be there to protect her.

I was hiding while Laurel was talking to the hood. "Where's Hayley." He said.

"She's at her office still looking over the case."

"Okay and why is she here." He said. I came out of hiding knowing he was talking about me.

"She's helped me in the past so she's here to protect me from you just in case you do anything funny." Laurel said.

After them talking about the case I wanted to talk to him alone. Laurel left and I said "Why are you doing this. Helping Hayley and Laurel."

He tensed when he heard my name and drew his bow back. "How do you know Hayley."

I decided to play with him and said "Ooh is she someone important to you" He let go of the arrow but I caught it.

"Wow you were going to kill me over a girl. Now I would love to answer that question but I cannot because she should be the one to tell you. With that being said I would love to chit-chat but I have somewhere to be." I backed up to the edge and fell. I quickly shot an arrow at another building and went home.

Why does he care about me? What is so special about me to him? No. No no no no no. It makes so much sense. The first day I saved him he broke out of the zip ties and ran after the guy in the mask. He saved Diggle from the girl with the white hair. He had to have had practice because he threw the knife almost perfectly. Everytime he's disappeared. When he left us at the party when we were getting shot he got home late. And just now when he tensed when I brought myself up. It's him. Oh my god it's Oliver.

A Few Hours later.

I got a call from dad saying Laurel was in the crosshairs of a shoot out at the jail. I drove as fast as I could. I saw dad and Laurel hugging. "Laurel!"

"Hayley!" We ran to each other and hugged.

"Hayley.. He.. He."

"What happened Laurel." I said with a concerned face.

"Um someone tried to hurt me and he.. he started punching them and he almost didn't stop. Hayley I saw it in his eyes. They were full of rage." I brought her into a hug.

"It's okay Laurel he won't be near you anymore . I'll make sure of it."

Detective Lance

My interrogator said he found something on the vigilante. He showed us camera footage of Oliver Queen running up the stairs with a black duffle bag and a green hood in his hand. "Well I'll be damned. Oliver Queen is the Vigilante."

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