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Hayley POV

I could tell Oliver was stressed out because I was in his hideout with him. He was working out while I was on the computers trying to find a lead on Walter. Walter had gone missing and I don't think it was an accident. Oliver shot an arrow at the wall but missed the ball he was shooting at. I looked at him and said "Hey. It's okay." while massaging his shoulders.

"Don't stress about it. We will find this guy and we will take him down. But for now let's just focus on something else. Like Walter." I said to Oliver making him turn around.

"I just. I don't know what to do." Oliver said looking at me.

Then Diggle walked in and I looked at him making Oliver turn around. "Your friends find anything about Walter." Oliver asked.

"Nothing yet. But that doesn't mean we stop-"

"Dig we both know he's more than likly dead." Oliver said while walking over to a table to put his arrow away.

"What should we do now. I know there's some names in this book we can cross off." Diggle said.

"Walter is missing so my family needs me. No time for the list." Oliver said turning to look at us.


I was with Laurel  because Laurel told me how Jo's brother died. But Jo thinks there's more too it so she wanted Laurel and I to help her find out what really happened. According to Jo she told us how she thinks her brother was murdered. So we were with our dad at the station. "Look a fireman died in a fire. There's nothing more."

" Last week another firefighter died under the same circumstances." Laurel said walking with our dad.

"Traces of turpentine and ignition temperatures hotter than the actualy fire." I said finishing her sentance.

"Guys even if I talked to the Fire Marshall he wouldn't listen to some cops." Dad said.

His tech savy guy came up giving him a phone.

"Another case?" Laurel asked.

"Vigilante. He gave me this phone so I've been trying to find his whereabouts."

"Does he answer? Like does it actually work." Laurel pushed.

"Well like Kelton said, It's a dead end. Listen I'm sorry I couldn't have done anything but I do have to go. I love you both." He said giving us a smile and walking out.

I saw Laurel looking at th phone. "Ugh fine take it." I said.


"Look I know you want to take it and if I want to do this the vigilante way I don't mind working with him." I said and she grabbed the phone and we left. She called him asking for his help. I told her I wouldn't leave her alone with him. I know who he is but she would become suspicious on why I'm not staying with her. So we went to her apartment looking over this case and waiting for him to show up. She was at her desk and I was standing up next to her. The lights started flikering and he entered the room.

"I didnt think you would come knowing you've been gone for a while. Where have you been?" Laurel said standing up next to me.

"You said it was important." He said.

"My best friend's brother. He died two days ago in a fire." Laurel says.

"But we think he was murdered." I said.

"So your asking one killer to find another? I heard what you told you father and sister about me. I'm a killer and have no remorse." He said.

"Do you?" Laurel asked.

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