Home Invasion

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One Month Later

Hayley POV

Laurel and I are working on a case dealing with Edward Rasmus. We were in my office when Oliver walked in. "I'm guessing someone forgot about our lunch date?" Oliver said walking over to me.

"Laurel." Oliver said nodding at her.

"Oliver." She smiled.

"I'm so sorry, Laurel and I have been dealing with a case all day and I got caught up with work. Rain check?"

"Which is why I got you this." He pulled out a big belly burger bag.

"What would I do without you." I said standing up and giving him a hug.

"I'm sorry are we early?"

"Oh not at all." Laurel said standing up.

"Oliver this is Eric Moore and his wife Nancy. Laurel and I are prepping them for a deposition tomorrow." I said.

"And this must be your bodyguard." He said pointing to there kid. I smiled.

"This is our son, Taylor." Nancy said.

"Well your in good hands. It was nice to meet you." He gave me a kiss on my head and left.

"Eric, Nancy, we want to make sure you guys are prepared for this." Laurel says.

"Edward Rasmus isn't someone who goes easy on people. This can get rough." I said.

"We invested our entire life saving's with him and he stole it. Our retirement, Taylor's college fund. He stole our future and we want it back." Eric said,

" Well then let's go get it." I said smiling at them.

The next day

"This isn't your fault guys. You shouldn't feel guilty." Tommy said to Laurel and I.

"We don't feel guilty we're upset." Laurel said.

"More like pissed off. There's no way this was an accident." I said.

"Edward Rasmus is involved we know it." Laurel said to Tommy.

"Hi if you would like to say goodbye to Taylor I will be taking him to child services."

"He doesn't have any family?" Laurel said.

"He has grandparent's but we haven't been able to reach them yet." the lady said.

"He can stay with me. As his attorney I take guardianship over Taylor until you get in contact with his grandparents." I said taking Taylor.

"You still need a judge's order."

"I'll have it too you in an hour." She walked away and I squatted.

"Your going to be staying with me for a bit. Is that okay?" I asked Taylor. He nodded his head yes.

"Come here." I said giving him a hug. I looked up too see Oliver talking with Laurel and Tommy. I got up and took Taylor's hand.

"Look's like Taylor is coming home with us." I said.

Laurel and Tommy wanted to stay over just to be there for Taylor. We were starting to settle down. "Hey Taylor are you hungry? I make the worlds best mac and cheese." Laurel asked.

"The only thing she knows how to make." Tommy said walking into the living room. I let out a small laugh.

"I miss my mommy and daddy." Taylor said while sitting on the couch. I walked over to him and kneeled infront of him.

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