The Other Vigilante

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Hayley's POV

That's right my lair. This is the place I go to when I need to calm down. It on the outskirts of Starling City and it's underground. No one has found it because the only way to get to it is to go through a resturant that leads to the underground tunnels. Which then leads to my lair. Ever since Oliver went missing a part of me went with him.

It is quite big. It has 4 different rooms. The first room is the main room and that's where all my computers and such are. The next room is to the left. That is my weaponry and training  room. I use that room to practice fighting, gun practice and throwing knifes. It contains all my knives and guns. The room in front of the computer/main room is my hospital room. Just in case I get badly hurt I can take care of myself here. Then the last room which is to the right of the main room is a bedroom. In case I get too tired and don't feel like going home I sometimes stay here. This is like my second home.

What do I do? Well I protect the city day and night. I protect the inoccent as a lawyer durning the day and at night I help people who have been wronged but just in a different way.

Like billionaire's who have stolen from the poor or use there clients for money. I get back the money and return it to the people. I have been on the news sometimes but not a lot because I take big jobs then stop for a few weeks just to make sure no one has any idea it's me. Do I have to kill? Yes. In order to restore justice I have to sometimes kill people. I try not too but it's hard not to because they are so focused on killing you.

I walked over to my computer and saw on the camera's Oliver getting jumped. Time to save the day.

Oliver Queen POV

Tommy has been driving me around the city and a lot of things have changed since I left. I just finished talking to Laurel and we were on our way back to the car. " Now lets make up for lost time. I say we get some sushi, leggy models. What do you say?" Tommy sugested then all of a sudden a van and masked men ambushed us and then all I see is darkness.

" Mr Queen, Mr Queen! Did your father survive that accident?" One of the masked men asks. I take in my surroundings and see I'm strapped to a chair. I don't answer him.

" I asked a quetion now you give me an answer." When I didn't answer he tazed me.

After being tazed and being interrogated something broke through the window. More like someone. The guys in the mask look towards who it was. A person who wore a black mask.  While this person distracted them I quickly broke out of my zip tye and ran to check on Tommy. Thank god he had a heart beat. I run after the guy who tazed me. " Please you don't have to do this."

"I do. No one can know my secret."

I ran back to the wearhouse to see the person with the black mask. It was a woman. "You need to take your friend and leave now."

" Why did you help us?" I asked.

"Well according to the news it sounds like you just came back from the dead so being kidnapped as a welcome home isn't fair."

I couldn't really tell how she sounded like because she was making her voice deep. But she was wearing a mask that covered the bottem half of her face but those eyes look so familiar. "Thank you."

"Anytime." She winked and ran off.

A while later Tommy and I got back to my house and were getting asked questions by detective Lance. "So who saved you."

" A guy in a green hood and a woman with a black mask."

"Wait did she have black cargo pants and a purple tank on?"

"Yes why".

Detective Lance turned to his colleage and said "Well look who's out of hiding. She's back in action it looks like."

He turned to Tommy and said " What about you did you see anything." I looked at him.

"I saw just movement. It was blurry I was kinda out of it."

"Okay well thank you both and we'll  head on out now." Lance said giving me a glare.

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