Mr Sommers

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Hayley POV
Today is the day of the Martin Sommers case. I was excited to get this case because this is another guy that needs to be taken down. I asked Laurel to come with my to the trial just to watch so she can get more time in court even if she's not the lawyer.

We were walking in when we ran into Oliver and Tommy. "Oliver, Tommy."

"Hey" Oliver said. I look at Laurel and she looked very mad at him.

"What are you doing here." She asked.

"Oh well I just came back from the dead.... Legally." I could see how akward it was getting.

"Okay well Oliver, Tommy it was nice seeing you but we have case to get too." Then we went into the court room and the trial begun.

I stand up and began to speak to the jury. "To you what is a life worth, the life of a man, a good man. A man with a daughter who is still growing up. What is it worth to be killed doing your job? Mr Sommers that man sitting right there" I said pointing at him.

"He had Mr Moncenti killed once Mr Moncenti confronted to expose him for smuggling drugs into the city's docks. The plaintiff proves with evidence that Mr Sommers had gotten bribes from the Chinese Triad to smuggle drugs into this city. OUR city." I said with an affirmative and confident voice.

"Who will bring justice to Emily Moncenti's fathers death. Bring justice to Mr Sommers crimes. Well someone has to do it." I said and everyone looked at me with awe.

Oliver Queen
Hayley chose the worst person to go after in court. She chose the one and only Martin Sommers. No wonder he's on my fathers list. He's the worst of the worst. She thinks she's the only one to help this city. She's wrong. I'll be helping and protecting this city the best way I can but in a different way.

I located where Sommers is and went after him. I cut the lights off and took him. I brought him outside and tied him upside down on the pole. "Martin Sommers you have failed this city!"

"No no no no no"

"Your going to testify in that trial. Tomorrow your going to confess to killing Mr Moncenti killed. There won't be a second warning."

"Okay. Okay. Now let me go!"

I shot an arrow at the rope and he fell onto the floor and I fled the scene.

The girls and I went back to my office to go over the case. My legal partner Amelia was talking to Emily Moncenti.

"We think Mrs Sommers attorneys are going to say that your blinded by grief or doing this just to get money."

Emily responded saying " I don't care about the money I just want to see the man who killed my father behind bars. My father has been there for me ever since my mother died he deserves the consequences." 

I turned to her and said " I know what it's like to loose someone over the hands of someone else but many people are not going to be happy with this case. Dangerous people."

Then Detective Lance and some other police officers came through my office door. "What's going on?" Laurel said.

"What's happening is that the four of you are getting round the clock protection Okay? No arguments."

"I'm a lawyer all I do is argue." I said.

"Look you are my daughters so it is my duty to protect you. Got it?"

"Do we really have to do this because I remember you doing this when Laurel would start dating and it didn't work out so well." I said.

"Look Sommers got attacked last night."

"What?!" Me and Laurel said in union.

"This case is dangerous so until this is over you will be protected."

I got a called to assainate someone.

"Look you need to take this guy serious and that girl if you have too." Sommers said.

"Then we kill Mrs Knight." I said with a smirk.

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