The truth

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Hayley POV

I left to my penthouse because Tommy invited Laurel and I to go to dinner with him. We arrived at the place and since Tommy didn't have money I had to step in. I went up to the lady and said "Hi my name is Hayley Knight and we've been here for over half and hour so please get us a table." I said giving her a 100 dollar bill.

"So-Sorry Mrs Knight I will be right back with the menu's." I walked back to Laurel and Tommy who were talking to Oliver and her. Ugh.

"So Hayley did you get the table?" Laurel asked.

"Yes Laurel I got the table so we can eat now. Oh hi Oliver and you are?" I knew who she was but didn't need to act like a creep.

"Helena." She stuck her hand out for me to shake.

"Hayley." I said taking her hand.

"Mrs Knight and Mr Queen your tables are ready." The blonde girl said.

"Why don't you guys join us?" I said to Oliver and Helena.

They all started whispering and Helena said "sure thank you."

We sat down at the table and started talking about old mermories. "I swear Tommy I thought your dad was going to kill you for filling the entire pool with beer." Oliver said.

"Well I almost did because once we finished someone decided to push me into the beer infested pool." I said looking right at Tommy causing everyone to laugh.

"God was that funny." Tommy said and we laughed again.

"How long have you and Oliver known each other." Helena asked us.

" We've all known each other for- I said but got interupted by Oliver.

"Since forever." Oliver said to me and Helena with a smile.

"You four have a lot of history." She said.

"Sometimes a little too much. "Tommy said which made me choke on my wine.

After a while of talking Helena stormed out once she found out that Laurel and Oliver used to date and now Laurel is dating Tommy. And Tommy and Laurel left because Tommy was probably embarrassed that Laurel asked Oliver to give Tommy a job. Jeez this friend group is crazy.

We could get our own reality tv show.

Oliver POV

"I'm not trying to hurt you." I said to Helena.

"Really making me have dinner with your ex and the love of your life? Don't play dumb I see the way you look at Hayley. You love her you just don't want to admit it. That kinda of love doesn't just go away when you find someone else."

"I don't love her." I said even though deep down I do.

"I'm done with you." Helena said then left.

Hayley POV

I'm currently with Mr Bertinelli waiting for the Chinese Triad to show up. From the looks of it Helena and Oliver will show up too. Once we heard gun shots I told Mr Bertinelli to get down and hide. The girl with the white hair jumped on him and I was about to hit her when a green arrow shot her in the chest. Mr Bertinelli raised his gun but I kicked it out of his hands.

"He's not going to hurt you right?" I said looking at Oliver.

He nodded and proceeded to fight. We were about to run when we got blocked by guards. "Stay here." I quickly threw one of my knifes at the guy to the right then slid across the floor so i was behind the couch. I took my gun and shot the guys shooting at me.

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