The Third Archer

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Hayley POV
I forgave Oliver and I was now apart of his little "team" I guess you could say. I was currently at home putting up some Christmas decorations up singing too Christmas music when I got a call. Oliver

"Hey Ollie what's up?" I said into the phone.

"Can you come to the hideout."

"Yeah I'll be right over."

Once I arrived Diggle, Oliver and I were talking about this copy cat archer who just killed Adam Hunt.

"Who would kill Hunt?" Diggle said.

"Maybe he had a motive or tried to frame Oliver because he used arrows but they were different. Way different." I suggested.

"Who ever this guy is.. He's a legit archer." Oliver said.

"Someone who knows good arrows." Diggle added.

"So we get one. Once we get it that's a step closer to finding out who this guy is." I said.

"So how do we do this." Diggle said. I looked at Oliver.

"What any person does when they need help. Call a cop." He said.

"Hello detective." Oliver said into the phone.

"I'm not the one who killed Adam Hunt. I heard you saying how there's a copy cat and you and I both know that if he doesn't stop at Hunt there's going to be a problem. So I need an arrow....."

"I can do things and go places where the cops won't. So think about it. Call me with your answer this number is saved." Then he hung up.

"Well that went well. Now I'm going to go do some Christmas shopping. See ya." I said smiling at Oliver and Diggle.


Oliver went to a wearhouse where he found out the arrows were being shipped too. It was a dead end so Diggle and I are currently waiting at the Queens mansion for Oliver. I was wearing a red floor length long sleeve dress with a low V neck and a slit on my right leg.

"Oliver so glad you could make it." I said with a smile.

"Ha ha very funny Hayley. You look beautiful." Oliver said giving me a hug.

"Thank you." I said then a kid came through the door.

Oliver tensed and the kid said "Thea invited me."

"And you are?" I asked.

"Thea's boyfriend." He said.

"Aw come here." I said giving him a hug. I whispered in his ear "If you hurt her I will gladly break your spine." I said with a innocent smile. I let go of him.

"I.. I .. won't ma'am." He said.

"Good." Then turned back to Diggle and Oliver. Oliver gave me a 'really' look. I just gave him an innocent 'what?' look and he rolled his eyes.

Oliver left to go with his family and I was drinking some champagne when I see Laurel and Tommy walk through the door. "Laurel you look amazing!" I said hugging her.

"Thank you Hayley you look wonderful as well." She says.

"Tommy. Don't you look handsome." I said laughing and giving him a hug. "Thank you Hayley you look nice." I scoff.

"Nice really. I call you handsome and I get nice?! So much for not being sarcastic for once." I said wiping away my fake tears.

"Oh I'm so sorry. You look lovely." Tommy said with a smirk.

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