She Returns

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Hayley POV

"Wow this place looks great." I said to Oliver walking around the club.

"Will you be my date tomorrow night? Look I know." I cut him off with a kiss.

"This has been going on for almost a month. So I think it's time to talk to let the people know." I said with a smile.

"Okay but I have to go to work now." I gave him a quick kiss. "Bye." I said with a smile.

Oliver POV

"Speedy?" I said walking into my house.

"We're in here."

I walked into the living room and froze. Helena. "Hello Oliver."

"Hey Thea can I talk to Helena alone. You know to catch up."

"Sure. It was nice meeting you." She left the room.

"Where have you been."

"Barcelona, Monaco. Many islands. I just needed to forget who I was and how much I missed you." Helena said

"You mean like how much you missed Gus Sabtoni? I thought you were done with this because your dad is over. He is serving consecutive life services in Iron Hights Prison."

"He just cut a deal and in 48 hours witness protection will give him a new name, a new life and he'll be off the grid which can not happen! He doesn't deseve another chance at life. But I need help."

"No. It's murder not justice."

"I guess I'll have to be more persuasive. Unlike me you have a family and a lovely girlfriend. Speeking of wish  tell her I say hi."  She gave me a kiss on the cheek and left.

"She was in my house Diggle. She made a threat and because of that I want security around my mother, sister and Hayley."

"Way ahead of you man." Diggle said.

"Thank you. But you do know Hayley can handle herself." he said.

"No chances." I said and Diggle walked away.


Hayley POV

"Hey Laurel can you come over? I really need to talk to you about something."

'yeah is everything alright?'

"Yeah I just need to talk to you but in person."

'Okay I'll be over in a few."

We said our goodbyes and I waited. A few minutes later I hear the elevator open. "Wow I will never get used to this penthouse."

I laughed and got up from the couch. "Hi Laurel." I said hugging her. I motioned for her to follow me to the living room. She sat down and I stayed standing up.

"Hayley what's-"

"I love Oliver. I can't help it and I know this is breaking girl code and-

"Hayley it's fine." She said with a small chuckle.

"It is?" I said with wide eyes. She got up and hugged me.

"I'm with Tommy now. Also you really think I'm that blind? I mean the way he looks at you and just... your my sister and I just knew."

"Wow you have no idea how relived I am. How are you okay with this though?"

"I need to move on and like I said I have Tommy." I sighed and said

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