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Oliver POV

"He blames me for his daughter death." I said to my parents.

"No need to worry Oliver we just have to wait for your attorney."

"Fine I want Hayley." I said

"Oliver think of it she's his daughter so I really don't think this is the best idea." My mother said.

"Your right. But she knows me better then anyone else. She know that I could never be this vigilante guy. Walter you said you believe he has a vendetta against me. She can get him off of it. He took her in after her parents died and taught her to save the inoccent. Including me. So mom please."

Hayley POV

I was in my office looking over files when my secretary Alyssa buzzed me. "Sorry to interupt but there is someone wanting to talk to you. Moira Queen."

"Of course let her in."

Moira entered the room and I got up from my desk. "Hi Moira everything okay?"

"It's Oliver he's gotten himself into trouble." She said.

"What did he do this time." I said with a light chuckle.

"Well your father seems to think he is the vigilante."

"I'm sorry my father thinks Oliver, Oliver Queen is the vigilante?"

"Yes and he wants you to represent him. I told him it was a bad idea but he said if you don't he doesn't want anyone else representing him."

"Moira you know I would love to but it's my father who arrested him. Also I'm his best friend and it just wouldn't look right for me to be his attorney. I'm so sorry."

"No apologies. No wonder my son is so smitten with you. I'm sorry if I have made you uncomfortable." and with that she left. Oliver you are so lucky I care about you even though I'm mad at you. I grabbed my briefcase and made my way to court.

3rd person POV

"This is the trial of Oliver Queen vs the People."

"Where is your lawyer Mr Queen." The judge said.

"I'm representing myself." Oliver responded.

"I really don't think this is the wisest choice Mr Queen."

"I think so. I am innocent your honnor." Oliver said.

"Then we will take that as your plea. Now what is the bail amount."

"Your honor there isn't enough money that could be set for Oliver Queens bail. They own many private jets and-

"Well then I guess it's a good thing the peoples case is so circumstantial." Hayley said walking into court.

"Your honor, Hayley Knight and I would like to make my presences as behalf of the defendant."

Hayley POV

I put my breifcase down on the table and stayed standing up. "No matter how much money Mr Queen has that does not excuse the right for bail under the presumptions of innocence."

"He is a flight risk." The other attorney said.

I looked at her and said "Then take away the risk. The defendant is willing to submit to home confinement and electronic monitoring through the wearing of an UKG45 ankle monitoring device."

Oliver said "No"

"Sold. Bail is set at 15 million dollars. 5 million dollar bond. Defendant is to see probation with the wearing of a GPS device." With that she banged the gavel.

"I knew you couldn't resist saving my ass." Oliver turned to me and said.

"Well your lucky I care too much about you and I can't imagine you being the vigilante." I had to lie at that part because I know he is which is why I was so hesitant on taking this case but he doesn't need to know that.

Later that day

I was currently having a meeting with detective lance. "I'll take a polygraph." Oliver said. I widened my eyes.

"Oliver polygraphs have to be taken. Once you make the appointment you can't say no to doing it."

"I'll take a polygraph in front of him." Directing towards my dad. "He's the only person I need to prove myself too."

"I'm going to need a minute." I said to the attorney. Once they left the room I said "You might actually be insane! What she offered you was just what you needed."

"Hayley I am not crazy, I am innocent. If I fail the polygraph only then will I consider taking about a deal."

"Fine. But Oliver I will say it again. People actually care about you so don't think for one second you are the only person that has something to loose. I'll be right back."

I set up a meeting for a polygraph.

Day of polygraph

"Are you then man in the picture?" Lance said.

"No." Oliver said.

"You were on an Island Lian Yu for five years." Lance said.

"Excuse me, relevance?" I said.

"I don't need relevance but whatever happened to your client on that island turned him crazy. When you came back your body was almost completely covered in scar tissue." Lance said. My eyes widened.

"When you came back you told everyone you were alone on that island. Are you telling me those scars were self inflicted." Lance said.

"No. I didn't want to talk about the island because the people there tortured me." Oliver answered. That made me qucikly turn my head back to him. I look at him with sadness in my eyes.

"Have you killed anyone." Lance said.

Oliver took a long pause and said "Yes. I asked your daughter to come with my on my family's yacht. I killed Sarah." He got up and went out of the room.

"I'm assuming you will tell you attorney to drop all charges against my client." I said to my father.

"No because I can see a guilty man anywhere even if you don't see it that man is guilty." He responded. I left.

Later that night

I heard Oliver was throwing a party but I didn't go to just party but to check up on him. Once I walked inside Oliver said "I'm sorry do we have a legal meeting? I have friends over." I let out a small laugh.

"Oh I'm sorry am I not one of those friends?" I said and he laughed at my witty remark. "Well I came here to talk to you, so can you excuse yourself for a few moments?"

He brought me up to his room. "I wanted to say sorry for my father today. Just ever since Sarah's death he's been through a lot. His wife left and Laurel and I were the only ones with him and I'm not even his biological daughter. But I wanted you to know why he is so upset with you."

"Why are you helping me? I thought you were angry at me." Oliver said.

"I was because you did something stupid... again. But Ollie you know that I could never stay mad at you forever. But I also came because of the.. you know. scars. Why didn't you tell me? I'm sorry that, that happened. So please tell me what happened to you. Show me." I said with tears in my eyes.

He started to open his shirt. "Ollie.. how.. how did you survive this."

"I wanted to die. But there was something that kept me going."

I let go of his shirt. "Laurel."

I was about to leave but he grabbed my wrist. "No, not Laurel. You Hayley."

"I.. I have to go."

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