The Undertaking Part 1

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Hayley POV

"She goes to work, home, sometimes out to dinner." Diggle said

"I pinned her work phone and home phone but nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing about the undertaking. Just a few calls to Malcom."

"Why wouldn't she?" Oliver said. I sighed and walked over to Oliver and massaged his shoulders.

"We need to find out what she knows about the undertaking and what they're planning on doing to the glades." I said.

"I'm going to pay her a visit." Oliver said getting up from his seat.

"Oliver last time the vigilante visited her, she shot you and we got to play doctor." She cleared her throat.

"Jeez my mind has a weird way of saying things."

"Which is why I'm going as me. A son and mother chat." Oliver said nodding at Diggle. Oliver kissed my forehead and left. I sighed and sat down.

"So Hayley how's the um." Felicity stuttered.

"The baby's fine." Diggle's eyes widened.

"Did you just say baby?" Diggle said.

"Yeah I'm pregnant with Oliver's ' baby."

"Does he know?"

'No but after this undertaking situation then I will tell him."

"Okay but Hayley you can't go out fighting crime."

"Yeah Diggle's right Hayley we can't risk anything happening to the baby." Felicity said.

"Your right. So i'll just stay with you Felicity. Besides I don't think Oliver wants me figting crime anyway." I said.


Later that night we came with a plan that Diggle would dress up as the vigilante and kidnapped Oliver and Moira. I didn't like it but it was the only way to figure out what they are planning. After a while they came back.

"Jeez Diggle you said you would pull your punches!" I said rushing over to Oliver.

"I did."

"I'll get you an icepack. For... well everything." Felicity said.

"I'm fine." Oliver said.

"Says the bruises and small limp." I said.

"Felicity I need you to find everything you can on Unidac Industries. I need information on what we don't know."

"Unidac worked with Meryln global."

"The Unidac massacre." Oliver said.

"That can't be a coincidence." Diggle said.

"There's a website claiming the other archer did this." Felicity said.

"So the other archer works for Meryln?" I asked.

"He's tying loose ends. Erasing anything pointed to him and anything that has to do with this device."

"Then you need to have a conversation with Merlyn." Diggle said to Oliver.

"No we need to find this other archer first because what if he can set off the device as well. First we get him then Merlyn. But we need to find out how." 

"But there's another way we can find out." I said walking over to sit next to Felicity.

"Can I try something?" I asked Felicity.

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