Chapter 21: Better in real life

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A dangerous plan, just this time

A stranger's hand clutched in mine

- Tori Spelling & Ed Sheeran

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"Wow, it's pouring out there," I remarked to Hank as I peered out of the tinted car window.

"Well, it doesn't feel like NYC to me if it isn't wet and gloomy," Hank replied from the driver's seat with more affection than one would expect.

"I'm just glad I decided to wear my rain boots today."

"Good call on that." Hank pulled up to the front of the St Regis hotel in Midtown Manhattan. "Here we are. Do you know where to find Tom?"

"Yes, he said he'll be at the lobby." I grabbed my bags and waved goodbye to Hank before stepping out of the SUV. "Thanks a lot, Hank."

"No problem. See you tomorrow, Ali."

I quickly made my way up the steps and through the iconic revolving doors of St Regis to escape the cold, and was immediately greeted by a wonderfully, familiar husky voice.

"Ali!" Tom, decked in a navy coat and dark jeans, walked over and gave me a quick hug.

I couldn't help noticing that someone was trailing behind Tom. Someone whose face I recognized immediately because I'd watched Spider-Man: Far From Home just several days ago.

"Hey, it's Ned!" I blurted out without thinking.

Tom looked behind him then turned back to me, laughing. "Umm, yes. Ned. Or Jacob, as he's more used to being called. Mate, this is Ali."

Jacob stepped forward. "Hey, how's it going? It's nice to finally meet Tom's girlfriend." He beamed, all innocence.

Tom's eyebrows shot up. My eyes grew large.

"Sorry, was it supposed to be hush-hush? Haz was the one who told me," Jacob explained, his smile wavering slightly now.

"Oh, that Harrison." I rolled my eyes.

Tom shrugged at Jacob in mock despair. "As much as I wish what Haz said was true... It's still a work in progress. I'm working really hard to make it happen, so..."

"So anyway. Hi, Jacob." I shook the hand Jacob extended while wearing an embarrassed smile, eager to divert the attention away from me. "I'm so sorry about calling you Ned. Far From Home just came out on Netflix and I caught it the other night. It's still fresh on my mind, as you can tell."

"Don't sweat it. I think my 'girlfriend' comment makes us even," Jacob assured me, his friendly grin putting me at ease.

Tom turned to me, explaining, "Our friend here, Jacob, managed to clear his schedule for the New York Comic Con, so he's staying at St Regis too for the next couple of days." He chuckled. "We were having afternoon tea at Astor Court on the first floor. It was amazing."

"Well, my bro here had his scones and finger sandwiches and a truckload of milky tea. Me, I just downed two coffees. Black," Jacob stated with a smirk.

"Very macho," Tom said, nodding.

"I had my cup of Americano too before Hank picked me up. Black coffee is the way to go, I'm afraid," I told Tom with a shrug.

"They may take away my freedom but they will never take my tea!" Tom proclaimed.

"All right, whatever you say, Tom 'Braveheart' Gibson," Jacob teased. "So what do you kids have planned?"

"Well, dinner somewhere. And then a surprise... somewhere else. Did I get all the details right?" I said, glancing at Tom in amusement.

"That's not vague at all," Jacob observed.

✔️ Midnight Sparks『 T.H. 』✧・゚:*Where stories live. Discover now