Chapter 5: Like the movies

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Is it worthwhile waiting for you

Under the sky above New York

- The Oceans

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"It's so crazy, but at the same time, it's not that crazy, you know?"

I unlocked my front door, wiggling the key a few times because the lock was more than a little bit worn out. I guess 'worn out' was a fitting description for this tiny rented apartment I called home. But it gave me a sense of belonging, and that was good enough.

Jayna followed me in, still keeping up her chatter. "If Tom Holland actually bothered to track down the café you're working at and offered a major catering job to Lou, just for you... Wow. It must mean something, right?"

I shrugged. "Maybe he just likes a really good slice of tiramisu."

I settled down into the couch and propped my feet on the coffee table. It had been a long day at Café Luna, but at least it provided the perfect distraction from this whole episode with Lou's phone call earlier today. Till now, I haven't had the chance to let everything sink in. And I wasn't sure if I was ready to.

"Ali, are you sure nothing happened between you and Tom that night?" Jayna looked thoughtful. "I mean, I know we've run through it frame by frame a few times... But it sounds like you really left an impression on him!"

"I don't know, Jays. I honestly doubt that it. Tom and I – we only met for like, half an hour. I know you think I'm an awesome human being and all, but that's only because you're my best friend. But to everyone else, I'm hardly a fascinating specimen. Especially to a movie star who meets tons of people every day. If I were to assume anything more, it would just be laughable."

Jayna plopped down next to me, twirling a strand of her hair as she spoke, "So you think we're totally wrong about this?"

"For all we know, it really was an actual guy named Trevor who gave the recommendation."

"We'll see, won't we?" Jayna still didn't look fully convinced. "In a month's time, we'll find out."

* * *

I stared into the stained mirror as I tied my shoulder-length hair into a bun. After securing it with several bobby pins, I decided I was ready.

"So are we all excited tonight?" Jayna's face appeared next to mine in the mirror reflection. Her expression was definitely painted with excitement – mine wasn't quite so.

The weeks had flown by, and before I knew it, I had arrived on the night of the movie premiere that Café Luna is catering for. We were not given any details of the movie and cast at all. It was all very hush-hush. The venue was at this event space somewhere in New York City, almost a two-hour drive away. I'll be in the car with Jayna, who will be driving, while Lou will be taking his van, along with all of the food.

"You can be excited for the both of us," I told Jayna.

Jayna rolled her eyes. "Fine, I will be the eternal optimist while you be –"

"A realist?" I suggested.

"I was going for Debbie Downer, actually," Jayna teased. She nudged me to give her more room so that she could check her reflection properly.

I glanced at the mirror too. Our identical ensemble for the night consisted of a crisp white blouse, black bowtie and black skirt. We were in total waitress mode.

The funny thing was, though we were both blondes, Jayna and I couldn't look more different. Her dark blonde hair flowed long and in waves, framing her sun-kissed complexion gracefully.

My blonde hair was pale and straight, and I had a tendency to snip it the moment it went past my shoulders. My face was on the paler side as well – and no amount of sun exposure seemed to help with this – with a sprinkling of freckles across my cheeks.

What else? Well, height-wise I was on the short side. But a lot of girls were short, right? My weight was pretty average. All in all, I'd say I was the ultimate average 21-year-old girl. And in all honesty, I was okay with that.

I'd always been comfortable being the wallflower in every social setting, though Jayna never stops trying to drag me into the limelight with her. To where the action happens. This pretty much described how I ended up being her party-crashing sidekick that fateful night.

And now here we were. I was filled with both curiosity and dread of the evening that lay ahead. Would I really be seeing him again? And was I actually wishing that I wouldn't? I just didn't want to stir up those strange feelings once more.

"Looks like we're good to go," Jayna decided.

"Okay." Here goes nothing.

* * *

"I think that's Ryan Reynolds!" Jayna squealed and almost lost balance of the tray of mushroom bruschettas she was holding.

"Jays, don't forget you're here for work," I hissed.

"I'm cool," Jayna declared, regaining her composure. "I'll go see if Ryan wants some bruschettas."

As it turned out, the movie premiere we were at was for Blake Lively's latest release. It was an intimate affair set in a tastefully done up place with burgundy-hued decorations and white flowers. The crowd was made up of the cast, media people, fans and a handful of celebrities.

And as far as I could tell, Tom Holland was not among the celebrities who were there that night.

So I have to admit there was a part of me that is disappointed. I was so silly to overthink everything, although I partially blamed Jayna for encouraging me to.

But, life goes on. It was fine. I just needed to focus on getting my job done for tonight, then I'd go home and open a bottle of wine. And wallow in my self-inflicted misery. Yes, it sounded like a solid plan.

"Hey, can we get more of those prosciutto things over here?" A bearded man in his 30s asked loudly.

I quickly walked over with my tray. Beard Man was wearing a tag that said 'Media' and he reeked of alcohol. I had to hold my breath as I served the requested finger food to Beard Man and the rest of his group.

"So... What else do you serve?" Beard Man asked me, leering closer. "Anything that's.. under that short skirt of yours?"

What. The. Hell.

I immediately took a step back, but Beard Man reached out and gripped my wrist. The tray slipped from my hands, sending food and tiny plates crashing to the floor.

"Let go of me," I said firmly, yanking my hand away.

"Don't be such a tease," Beard Man slurred.

"Hey, how about I tease you with my fist?" That familiar British accent.

Beard Man was sloshed, but apparently not sloshed enough to just ignore the voice that had just spoken to him. He turned to see Tom Holland glaring at him. A second later, a big, burly man appeared next to Tom – I guess he was part of the security team – and pulled Beard Man away from us.

I kneeled down on the floor, in an attempt to clean up the mess that Beard Man caused. I only realized my shaking hands when Tom kneeled down too(!), tapping his hand on mine, fleeting and gentle.

"Ali, are you okay?"

Was this a movie? Or maybe a dream? Things had happened so quickly, I couldn't quite believe it. Was Tom Holland really here, in front of me, with concern in those brown eyes of his?

"I'm fine," I managed to say. Something about seeing Tom worried for me, made me want to assure him that he had nothing to worry about. "But Lou is going to cry when he sees so much of his gourmet creation gone to waste like this."

Tom let out a low, throaty laugh. "It's amazing that you can crack a joke even in this situation."

"What's more amazing is how you've come to my rescue yet again," I remarked. "Just like the movies."

Tom shrugged. "Trevor McGeek is always happy to be at your service. And he knows a thing or two about the movies, I guess," he said with a grin.

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