Chapter 15: Destiny awaits

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All I know is that I want it more than yesterday

If I was waiting, I was waiting for just one little spark

- Mayday Parade

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Could anticipation kill?

Because by the time November 19th arrived, I was pretty much a total wreck.

I realized that all of my previous encounters with Tom had been unplanned. Unexpected. Serendipitous, in most cases. He'd just drop in unannounced, like a shooting star – always a bright but fleeting presence.

But this time, our meetup was pre-arranged. And I had two whole weeks to freak out.

At this moment I couldn't even decide on what to wear, which was the oddest thing. I pretty much only had two dresses, a skirt, two pairs of jeans and five tops in my wardrobe. So how could I be having trouble picking out my outfit of choice for tonight?

"Ali, don't forget about swimwear!" Jayna's voice drifted from the bathroom, where she was touching up her makeup. She'd already been dressed since an hour ago, decked in a slinky black dress that was guaranteed to make Harrison go 'wow'.


"Preferably that cute striped bikini you bought online this summer," Jayna added.

I emitted a groan. "I'm not even sure yet if I'll be getting into the pool," I protested.

"It's a pool party. You have to!"

"I'd feel too exposed."

Jayna padded over to my bedroom, where I was still standing and staring at my opened clothes closet.

"Ali, that's what tonight is about, isn't it? Baring it all... Metaphorically speaking, and more."

I groaned again. It was easy for Jayna to talk. She wasn't the one who was going to meet someone for the first time in months, not knowing what the night would reveal or what conversation would ensue.

She wasn't the one who would be face to face with the pair of twinkling brown eyes she'd fallen in love with, and had been trying her hardest to move on from.

"It's not too late to back out of this, right?"

"Ali! You wouldn't," Jayna gasped, smacking me in the arm.

I didn't realize I'd spoken out loud until I felt the impact of Jayna's palm against my skin. "Oww. Jays, please. No violence at a delicate time like this."

"It's my birthday party, so I get to do whatever I want to my guests," Jayna declared with a devilish grin.

"Well maybe this guest would be too injured to show up if you keep going with the physical torture," I muttered, but I dutifully went to retrieve the said bikini set.

Jayna sat on my bed and applied a fresh coat of plum-hued lip gloss while I stripped off my shirt and ratty shorts and put on the striped bikini top and bottom.

"What are you planning to wear over the bikini?" Jayna pursed her glossy lips in thought. "Your maroon sweater and black skater skirt would be perfect."

"Great. Jays, you're a lifesaver."

"As I always am." Jayna paused. "Ali, does Owen know about tonight?"

I didn't answer immediately. Fidgeting with one sleeve of the maroon top I'd just pulled over my head, I eventually responded, "Well, technically... Yeah."

"What exactly did you tell him?"

"I mentioned that we'll be in Manhattan with some friends to celebrate your birthday."

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