Chapter 6: Putting down the walls

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I don't know, I just can feel it in the atmosphere

If I'm wandering, I've wandered into just the right spot

- Mayday Parade

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"Here, sip this," Jayna ordered as she handed me a glass of water.

"Thanks, Jays," I said, taking the glass. "I swear I'm fine though."

Jayna turned to Tom, who had followed us both to the back room of the event venue. "Thanks for being there for Ali," she told him. Then a scowl washed over her face. "I would have so kicked that guy's ass if I'd been there! He wouldn't even know what hit him."

"No, yeah, I'm absolutely sure of that," Tom responded with an amused nod. I didn't blame him – Jayna could be really animated when something makes her angry.

"Hey Ali, maybe it's time you sign up for a self-defense class? I attended this sort of thing once, and it was really helpful. I could show you the moves I learned –"

"Umm sure Jays, we can schedule it in one day." I interrupted my best friend only because I knew she could go on and on. And Tom looked like he was too polite to step away from the conversation.

"For now though, I think it's time we get back to work." I glanced at Tom. "Thanks so much again, and I'm sorry that you had to get involved. You should probably get back too..?"

Tom's phone rang at that moment. He slid his thumb across the phone screen to answer the call. "Hello? No, I'm in the back room. You just keep walking past all the doors.. Yep. Yep."

"Who's that?" Jayna asked after Tom hung up. She was always the first to be suspicious about everything, and never ashamed to show it.

"Oh, it's Harrison. He's a good friend of mine and he was wondering where I was. You don't mind that he comes over to look for me, yeah?"

Jayna pursed her lips in thought. "Hmm, if he's someone famous, can I interview him for my YouTube channel?"

Tom shrugged. "Sure."

"Trevor, you just pimped your friend out. I hope you know that," I said. Oh crap, why was I still calling him 'Trevor'? I didn't know why but it felt weird to suddenly start using 'Tom'.

"And it goes without saying that you'll get an interview slot too," Jayna quickly added with a wide smile at Tom.

Tom's eyebrows shot up. "I didn't –"

"Hey everyone," a jovial British-accented voice rang out from behind us. "What did I miss?"

We all turned and were greeted by the sight of a guy in light brown hair and a cheeky grin. He stood slightly taller than Tom, casually slinging one arm over Tom's shoulder.

Tom did the introductions. "Ali and Jayna, meet Harrison Osterfield. Haz, meet Ali and Jayna."

"Hi!" Jayna chirped. "Tom rescued Ali from some pervy asshole at the media tables just now."

Harrison's jaw dropped.

"It's no big deal, really," I insisted. "And hi, Harrison. Good meeting you."

"Hello, girls. Wow, I didn't know my boy here was a superhero in real life too," Harrison said. "Well done, lad."

Tom rolled his eyes.

"So what do you do, Harrison?" Jayna asked. "Tom says you're famous. And that you'll be happy to join him in being interviewed – I have this YouTube channel..."

"Whoa, hold on." Harrison studied Jayna, still grinning. "I think I'll need to get to know you better before I commit to anything."

"Well, what would you like to know?"

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