Chapter 7: This undefined connection

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Every word you say, I think I should write down

Don't want to forget come daylight

- Joshua Radin & Schuyler Fisk

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I was waiting on the front steps with Jayna, after we had both helped Lou pack things up and load them into his van.

Tom and Harrison had found us in the midst of all of this, and I'd told Tom that I should be ready in another half an hour. Sure enough, both of them appeared to meet us right on the dot.

Tom had greeted us, and I had returned the greeting, a little breathlessly. I convinced myself it was just from the cold of the night that surrounded us.

"All right, you crazy kids. Have fun," Jayna said as she fished her car keys out from her bag. "I'm off."

"I'm going to go too," Harrison announced while checking his phone. "My Uber ride is here."

"Get home safely," I told Jayna, then turned to Harrison. "Enjoy your date."

"Sure. See you girls around," Harrison said.

"Haz, are you sure you don't want to get Jayna's number before she goes?" Tom asked his friend innocently.

"Who says I haven't already done that?" Harrison smirked.

Jayna laughed. "See you, Harrison. Bye, Tom."

After one last round of saying goodbye, Tom and I started walking down the street. He had put on a black cap and changed out of his formal clothes for something more casual – a black leather jacket, black shirt and black jeans. He could not be more discreet looking, which I suppose came with the territory of being who he was.

I, on the other hand, was still dressed in my waitress outfit, with a denim jacket thrown over. Far from ideal, but then again, it was never in my plans to be out and about in New York City tonight, strolling side by side with Tom Holland.

"I think we'll make it just in time for the 11.50PM show," Tom said as he checked his watch.

"Great." I felt my phone buzz, and opened up the onscreen notification to see a message from Jayna.

[Jayna:] Are you guys holding hands??

I typed back quickly.

[Me:] Don't be childish. And no texting while driving!

I resumed my focus on Tom. "Do you think we'll have time to get popcorn?" I wondered.

"Yeah, I think so." Tom glanced at me. "You're a popcorn person?"

"As much as the Pope is Christian," I affirmed. "Are you?"

Tom laughed. "I'm not the biggest fan, but I wouldn't say no if you passed me the tub."

"I'll think about it. I might just finish up the whole thing myself."

"Cruel. Absolutely cruel. And I was about to offer to share my giant-sized milkshake."

"Hang on. What flavor?"

"Well, I guess you'll never find out now."

"You're absolutely cruel, Trev."

At some point during our conversation, the rest of the world had melted away. I mean, I wasn't totally unaware of the sidewalk we were on, and the people and bright lights of the shops we passed. But there was a soft, blurry quality about it all. It felt like I was only tuned in to the sound of Tom's voice, the gentle chuckles that accompanied a lot of his sentences. Was it really a case of being starstruck? Or was it something else? I didn't dare to think.

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