Chapter 24: Picking up the pieces

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If our hearts are never broken and there's no joy in the mending

There's so much this hurt can teach us both

- Snow Patrol

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The snow outside continued falling as I poured myself another glass full of red wine.

Christmas day was almost over, but my waterworks apparently were not. My eyes felt swollen and my head ached from all the crying I'd done in the past few days.

"A silent night, I know it's gonna be... Joy to the world, but it's gonna be sad for me..."

A random mournful Christmas song played from my laptop, causing a fresh batch of tears to roll down my cheeks as I took a huge gulp from my glass. If nothing else, it seemed like I'd perfected the art of drinking while crying.

I had had a lot of practice – each time my mind flickered to those photos of Tom with a striking brunette by his side, particularly the one of her throwing an arm over Tom's shoulder affectionately as they strolled, my eyes would feel the sting of new tears.

Was that what he had been hiding all this time? Another girl? Or wait, was I the other girl?

The next thought made me choke: No, Ali. You were just a nobody. Always have been.

The truth was, I had been perfectly fine with my quiet existence all along – until I met Tom. Now I didn't know how to go back to being insignificant, because I didn't want to be insignificant to him.

I knew I'd been so cold, pushing him out with my non-communication. So how could I blame him for turning to someone else?

Setting down the wine glass, my alcohol-laced mind flashed with a new thought.

Was it too late now... to ask for another chance at us?

Because all my days filled with crying had stemmed from this overwhelming longing inside. I missed him. So damn much. But I didn't know how to tell him.

Maybe now I did.

My fingers reached for the phone, and before I could think further, I'd selected 'Trevor McGeek' on the screen.

"The number you have dialed cannot be reached..."

Upon hearing the automated message, I hung up and tried calling again.

The same automated message.

Of course. He wouldn't want to be disturbed on Christmas day. He's probably having a great time with his family, with Tessa... And maybe with the brunette girl? Was that why he didn't want his dad to find out about me?

I dropped my face into my hands, sobbing harder than ever.

Just then, my phone rang.

"Trev?" I quickly answered hoarsely, without even looking at the caller's name.

"Uhh no, it's me, Ali," Jayna's voice replied. "Were you expecting a call from Tom?"

"Jayna. Hi." I sighed. "Yeah, maybe. I – I called him just before this, but couldn't reach him. I thought he might be returning the call now."

"Oh right. Sorry. How are you doing, Ali? Did you even see the all the text messages I've been sending you?! I'm so worried!"

"I haven't been checking my phone," I told her, drawing in a shuddering breath. "I've just been sitting here, crying and wining the entire day, which led to my brilliant move of drunk calling Tom..."

✔️ Midnight Sparks『 T.H. 』✧・゚:*Where stories live. Discover now