Chapter 20: The best not-boyfriend

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It's always have and never hold

You've begun to feel like home

- The Fray

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I had just hit 'save' on my Sociology assignment when my phone that sat next to me on the sofa began buzzing. My heart skipped a beat and a smile spread on my lips as I saw the name that flashed on the screen.

He was right on time.

I tapped to accept the video call. "Hey, you."

"Hey back at ya, darling," Tom said in the most charming British accent as his smiling face filled my phone screen and he settled under the covers, his bed's headboard visible behind him. "I've missed you."

"Ditto, but times ten."

Though it had only been four days since we parted in Manhattan and we'd had one video call that same night, I'd really missed that husky voice, those warm chocolate eyes.. Just everything that made him, him.

"Good to know," Tom replied, his eyes crinkling as he smiled.

"Has your hair grown longer already? It looks longer."

Tom touched the side of his head, which was previously shaven. "A little, I think."

"So how's Ohio treating you?"

"Great. Call time was 7.30AM today, which wasn't as bad as the usual 6AM. Someone tripped and fell on the set today – and it wasn't me for once. Oh and I went to the gym after filming and God, my legs are so sore now."

"Good job on not falling down. I'm so proud." I let out a laugh. "Which reminds me of the time Jayna left a stack of college books on the floor at Café Luna for some unknown reason and Lou tripped over them. Many books and one angry Italian man went flying. Not a pretty sight."

Tom laughed along. "Never a dull moment at Café Luna."

"Yeah, I'm not sure if it's a good thing, or bad. Anyway, I don't know how you even dragged yourself to the gym after an entire day of acting."

"I mostly had to sit down in my Cherry scenes today, so it was all right."

"Getting paid to sit – what a concept. Where do I sign up?" I teased.

"It's a lot of hard work," Tom protested. "It requires long hours of practice to get it down to a science."

"Oh, sure. You have my utmost admiration."

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I'll have to rob a bank in tomorrow's filming. Lots of movement, lots of walking."

I laughed. "Now that's more like it."

Tom's eyebrows knitted in mock despair. "Great. My girlfriend is a sadist."

My laughter died immediately at the word 'girlfriend'. I couldn't help it – it had caught me completely off guard.

Tom noticed this and hastily said, "Ali, I'm so sorry..."

"No, no. Don't be silly. You don't have to apologize."

"It just slipped out –"

"Trev. Stop. You do realize that you're basically saying sorry for verbally committing your amazing self to a relationship? It's hardly a girl's worst nightmare," I pointed out with a smile.

"I know. But you asked me to give you time, and I agreed."

"And I appreciate you so much for that," I said earnestly. "But please don't feel like you need to censor yourself around me either. That would be awful."

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