Chapter 1: Is that who we think it is?

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One night and we're gonna come and crash the party

Weren't invited but we're feelin' so outrageous

- Charli XCX

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"Come on, Ali. Hurry up!" Jayna's eyes sparkled with excitement under the glow of the streetlight.

"My heels are already killing me," I groaned. "What's the rush anyway? It's not like anyone is waiting for our arrival with bated breath or anything."

Jayna giggled. "I've never crashed a party before – or at least not a huge star-studded party. Isn't it exciting?!"

"I guess."

Jayna, my best friend of 7 years and counting, raised an eyebrow at me. "Wow, such enthusiasm," she noted.

"One of us still needs to work tomorrow morning," I reminded her.

"Nobody's up before 1 PM on a Sunday! The café will be empty, and you'll be sneaking in naps in the ladies', "Jayna predicted.

"It's gross how you've actually taken a nap in a public toilet before, Jays. I almost considered breaking off our friendship when you told me."

Jayna ignored my remark. "I wonder which famous face we'll see at the party? Do you think Leo DiCaprio will be there? His latest Instagram Stories photo was taken in London just 6 hours ago but that's what private jets are for, right?"

She continued her one-sided chatter until we reached an unassuming plain black door – the front entrance to what was touted to be the hottest rooftop lounge in town. It wasn't even open to the public just yet. I don't know how Jayna managed to find out about this place. Or this secret party, for that matter. She has her ways, of that I'm certain.

"Hi," Jayna chirped at the stony-faced man standing at the door. "We're here for the wrap party."

The man studied us for a second. "Your names?"

"I was told to say 'gold dust' as the password," Jayna replied confidently.

"Excuse me?"

"Gold. Dust."

Stony Face made a frown. "We don't use passwords here..."

Jayna laughed slightly, licking her lips. "What? There must be a mistake somewhere. Anyway, we're with Shay... You know, Leo's stylist?"

Silence for a good five seconds. "I'm sorry, but there is no Shay nor... Leo."

Jayna threw a panicked glance at me as the man made a gesture to close the door.

"No, wait! If you could just let us step in for a sec. Shay told me she was going to be waiting for me near the entrance anyway –"

The man shook his head. "I don't think –"

"Hey Ron, how are ya?" A new, unfamiliar male voice speaking in a British accent behind us startled me.

I turned around to be greeted by a pair of twinkling brown eyes.

Stony Face broke into a grin. "Tom, my man." He reached out to shake Brown Eyes's hand.

"Great to see you again," Brown Eyes said. He diverted his gaze from Stone Face to Jayna and I. "Are these ladies coming in as well?"

"Well.." Jayna hesitated, looking at Stony Face with uncertainty.

"Look, it's okay. Come along with me then," Brown Eyes offered with an easy smile.

We walked in with Brown Eyes behind us. I was aware that I'd not spoken for the last 5 minutes, and even Jayna seemed to be at a loss for words. But I finally found my ability to speak again and said to Brown Eyes, "Hey, thanks. We really appreciate it."

"Yeah, thanks!" Jayna chimed in.

"No worries. Enjoy your evening." Brown Eyes winked before disappearing into the crowd.

Jayna clutched my arm. "Is that who we think it is?"

I exhaled, then laughed. "Well, you did want to meet someone famous. Tom Holland counts, doesn't it?"

✔️ Midnight Sparks『 T.H. 』✧・゚:*Where stories live. Discover now