Chapter 19: A life less ordinary

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Two hearts, one night

Wish we didn't have to say goodbye

- Paradise Fears

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When I cracked an eye open and felt the bed's empty spot next to me, I was seized by a wave of anxiety.

"Trev?" I called out softly.

When there was no reply, the anxious feeling kicked up a notch and I had to take in a deep breath to calm myself down.

Moments later, I heard a door slam shut in the distance – perhaps the front door of the suite?

"Hey, you. You're up," Tom's cheerful voice floated in as he appeared at the bedroom doorway. "I got coffee for all of us."

I blinked both eyes open, wanting to make sure Tom was really there.

"Still sleepy?" he teased.

"Umm yeah."

"This might help." Tom crossed over to the bed and plopped down beside me as I propped myself up on my elbows. In each hand, he held a cup of takeaway coffee. "Have one."

"Thanks." I took the cup closest to me and began to sip the warm, aromatic black coffee. "This is really good. So you went out for a coffee run?"

"Well, not exactly. I was worried about paparazzi so I got the hotel to help grab these coffees from a café nearby and deliver them to the suite."

"Right." I glanced at Tom. "Are they hard to deal with? The paparazzi?"

"Usually they're fine," he assured me. "But once in a while, I still get amazed by their persistence in invading a person's privacy. And by amazed I mean pissed off."

I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. "I'm sorry. I mean, I can't relate, but I hate how that comes as a package with your job description."

"Don't worry. I've learned to be stealthy over the years."

"By wearing a cap pulled down low your face and hoping for the best?" I said with a laugh, recalling the night we went for a movie after the catering gig for Blake Lively, where he was dressed all in black including a black cap.

"Pretty much, yeah," Tom replied, laughing too.

"Could you guys laugh any louder?"

Tom and I turned at the sound of Jayna's whining voice. She was leaning against the doorway, frowning, with one hand rubbing her temple. It was classic hungover Jayna.

"Good morning, sunshine," I greeted.

"It's barely 9AM. What's so good about it?" she asked crabbily.

"There's coffee for you and Harrison out on the dining table," Tom informed her.

"Really? Bless you, my child." Jayna immediately hopped away from view.

"So Jayna isn't a morning person, I gather?" Tom guessed.

"Only as much as Dracula is one, I guess," I responded.

"Hi again," Jayna announced her return with a flourish, gripping her cup of coffee like the lifesaver that it was.

"Hello, crazy kids," Harrison chimed in from behind her, also armed with his coffee. "You two are looking unfairly chipper. Did you even get any sleep?"

"What do you think, Harrison?" Jayna snickered, giving Harrison a wink.

"Oh, just drink up your coffee," I told Jayna with a roll of my eyes.

✔️ Midnight Sparks『 T.H. 』✧・゚:*Where stories live. Discover now