Chapter 35: A different season

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It's been a year now

Think I've figured out how

How to think about you without it rippin' my heart out

- JP Saxe & Julia Michaels

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"Ali! Ali! Look what I drew!"

I walked over to the bed occupied by one of the patients at the children's ward where I was volunteering. "What you got there, Skylar?"

With a grin that showed her cute tooth gap, Skylar held up an A4 sheet filled with color pencil drawing. "This is the Christmas party we had yesterday. There's you, and me, and Aiden, and Nurse Heather, and Dr Ajay."

"I like that Dr Ajay is in a Santa outfit," I said, pointing and laughing.

Skylar nodded, her light brown corkscrew curls bouncing. "He's got a beard like Santa!"

"And he did bring you a very nice gift yesterday too."

"Can we hang my drawing up on the wall?" Skylar asked eagerly.

"Of course."

Forty-five minutes later, I had tucked Skylar in and given her an extra big good night kiss on the forehead. After making sure the rest of the kids in the ward were okay too, I turned off the lights and strolled over to the lockers.

As I made my exit, I passed by the nurse station.

"Bye, guys," I told Dean and Elina, the nurses on duty tonight.

"What's the plan for the evening?" Dean wanted to know.

I shrugged my shoulders casually. "I'm thinking pizza and The Grinch."

"Can't ever go wrong with that combo," Elina responded.

"I think so too. See you guys."

Winter this time around was surprisingly very bearable. We had not seen snow yet and I was glad to know that the walk home was going to be a pleasant one.

When I reached the junction where I was supposed to take a right, I decided impulsively to go left instead – I remembered that the street up ahead in that direction had some pretty impressive festive decorations this year.

I checked my phone as I walked and saw messages from Jayna. Careful to watch where I was going, I typed my reply quickly.

[Jayna:] Hola from Barcelona!

[Jayna:] Hope your holidays have been amazing and not too lonely without me ;)

[Me:] Hey you

[Me:] I just finished my shift at the hospital

[Me:] How's the press tour going?

[Jayna:] Exhausting!

[Jayna:] But I managed to sneak in some time for shopping yesterday haha

[Me:] Good job

[Jayna:] Yeah meanwhile Harrison was in interviews and photoshoots the entire day

[Jayna:] He's enjoying it all though

[Jayna:] Oh he says "Hello Ali Cat!"

[Me:] Tell him hi back and that I'm majorly rolling my eyes

[Jayna:] Lol I will

[Jayna:] Be good

[Jayna:] See ya when I get back

[Me:] Have fun

Looking up, I saw that I was standing across the street from Nuovo.

Right. How could I possibly forget that I'd be passing by this place?

And it struck me that today must be their annual Boxing Day charity event. This meant that it had been a year since the night with Tom, when secrets were finally revealed. Every single hurtful one.

I didn't retreat immediately, which was a testament to how time really had a healing effect.

In fact, about two weeks after Jayna had dropped the news about Tom's new girlfriend, I had gone online and discovered that she was an English actress. A brown-haired beauty that Tom had met through mutual friends.

Amazingly, I had felt nothing but peace – knowing that I made the right decision for both Tom and myself. Because I never wanted to hold him back just because I had my fears and ghosts to deal with.

Tonight, Nuovo didn't represent painful memories and a place where everything became broken. That season had passed, and today it felt different.

Thumping music could be heard and laughter floated outwards as Nuovo's signature plain black door swung open to reveal a group of partygoers in bright sparkly clothes who were leaving. They walked down the steps while chattering, joyful and carefree.

Maybe it was these partygoers' infectious exuberance. Or the warm festive spirit in the air. Or it could be the tiniest hint of curiosity that was bubbling inside of me.

Propelled by one of these reasons or all of them, I found myself crossing the street. And then walking up to that black door.

Before I had the chance to regret my decision, the door cracked open once again.

"Hi," I said a little breathlessly, recognizing Ron's face that was peering at me.

He pulled the door open all the way, inviting me to step in to escape the cold.

"Can I have your name?" he prompted with his phone ready for checking.

I swallowed, thinking, This is about to get extremely embarrassing.

"Umm Ali – Alison?" I murmured.

There's always a chance that they're expecting a guest named Alison tonight, isn't there?

Ron didn't bother looking at his phone. Instead, he gazed at me and asked, "Alison Rose?"

Nodding my head wordlessly, I was simultaneously hit by surprise, and the urge the groan upon hearing my middle name. How was it possible that Tom knew I would show up on this very night?

That would be crazy... Right?

"We're glad to finally see you," Ron said, his stony face breaking into a slight smile.


"Yes, you're on our VIP list, with instructions to welcome you into Nuovo any day, any time. You've been on the list for, oh, about a year now."

I blinked several times. "Uhh right."

"Would you like me to show you in?"

"No it's fine. I know my way. Thank you."

Almost automatically, I headed straight for the rooftop lounge.

My heart was racing, and so was my mind. I wasn't sure what I was hoping to find. I was very likely in for a huge empty letdown, but I needed to put myself through it. Instead of running away like I always did.

And if nothing else, it could be a solitary moment of closure for myself.

As I reached the final step of the stairs, I paused.

This was it.

Drawing in a deep breath, I pushed the rooftop door open.

✔️ Midnight Sparks『 T.H. 』✧・゚:*Where stories live. Discover now