Chapter 13: Just to be safe

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And you're with me wherever I go

'Cause you give me this feeling, this everglow

- Coldplay

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I didn't know how to process what Jayna had just told me.

And had she really mentioned the one name that I'd never expected to hear again – at least not so soon? I had to ask again as my grip on the phone tightened, "What did you say, Jays?"

"Okay, I know this must be a total shock to you, Ali, but yeah... Something happened to Tom while shooting on the set for Cherry. You know, his latest movie with the Russo brothers. It's based on this popular novel and all kinds of crazy things happen –"

"Umm no, I don't know."

I wasn't even aware that Tom had started filming a new movie. Of course, I was probably the last person who would be receiving his life updates at this point. We were barely even friends now.

And honestly, I couldn't bring myself to look him up in any online media, just in case there happened to be mentions of any new girls in his life – someone who wasn't Tessa, his gorgeous blue Staffordshire bull terrier.

"But what happened?" I asked Jayna. "Is he hurt?"

"Yeah, he was in the middle of this scene that wasn't even action-heavy, but somehow something went wrong and he fell. He's at the hospital now, somewhere in Ohio. I think Harrison mentioned a broken wrist and maybe some fractured ribs? The doctor is still checking."

I forgot to breathe for a moment. Then a cold, painful sensation seized my chest. "What? That sounds serious."

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Owen who was wearing a deeply concerned look on his face. So far I hadn't filled him in on anything Tom-related at all, and right now didn't seem like the best time to do it.

"I know," Jayna said, sighing. "We're all so worried. I had to call to tell you even though.. Even though you said you didn't want to hear any news about him no matter what..."

"Yeah. No. I'm glad you called me. I just – I guess I need to figure out what to do now."

"Alison Rose Kinloch, don't be stupid. Of course you need to reach out to him."

I winced. When Jayna used my name in full, she really meant business.

Jayna continued, "And don't forget, this is the guy that the entertainment world is constantly demanding time from, and he chose to detour to our middle-of-nowhere town to spend two hours with you. You mean something to him, so I'm sure he'd want to hear from you."

"All right, all right. Jays, just.. Let me handle this my way, okay?" I chewed on my bottom lip as I thought about what I was going to tell Owen once I hung up. "I'll talk to you later. I'm with Owen right now. Bye, Jays."

"Is everything okay?" Owen questioned, touching my arm gently.

I exhaled a long, loud breath. "Umm, yeah. I don't know, actually. Jayna called about a friend of ours who got into some accident and who's now at the hospital. Nobody's sure of the extent to his injuries just yet."

"What? I'm so sorry to hear that, Ali. Anyone I know?"

If you've been following the Marvel movies, then probably, yeah.

Out loud, I said, "I've not mentioned him before, no. His name is Tom. He – he's a good friend but we haven't really been in touch lately. His work takes him to a lot of different places."

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