Chapter 10: A friendly face

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You hold me without touch

You keep me without chains

- Sara Bareilles

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It took more than a moment to process the sight before me.

That twinkling pair of brown eyes. That easy smile. The forehead-brushing curls.

"Hello Ali." That warm, slightly husky voice.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, forgetting to even say hello back.

Tom shrugged, still smiling, as if his appearance was nothing out of the ordinary. "I was on the way to New York City and then decided to make a pit stop for some of Lou's tiramisu."

"Wow. Lou will be honored to hear that."

"Did I disturb you? You look like you're in the middle of –" Tom paused, gesturing at where I was standing, with the pail and used paper towels on the window sill next to me.

"No. Well, yes. But it's not a big deal. Let me get you a table first."

I was more than a little flustered for sure by Tom's unannounced presence. I had to remind myself to breathe as I led Tom to a small round table close to the pastry display.

"Do you know what you'd like? Or can I get you a menu?"

"I know I definitely want a slice of the tiramisu."

"Good choice. How about some coffee to go with that?"

"Yes, I'll have a latte, please."

"Sure. Coming right up."

I quickly washed my hands before steaming the milk for the coffee and preparing the espresso shot on the machine. Once I was done making the latte, I transferred a tiramisu slice from the display onto a clean plate.

"Here you go," I said when I brought the cup and plate to Tom's table.

"Cheers," he replied with a huge smile.


"I will. Hey, Ali. Do you get to go on a break anytime soon?"

"My shift will end in another forty-five minutes, actually," I told him.

"Okay. I won't need to get back on the road for another two hours or so. I'll let you get back to work now and we can catch up later?"

"Sure thing."

At that moment, Lou emerged from the kitchen, saying loudly, "Ali, are you chit chatting with Jayna when you're supposed to be working – again?"

"Of course not, Lou," I responded with a huff. "I'm just serving one of your loyal customers here. You know, Tom Holland?"

"Tom who?" Lou came over to the table, scrutinizing Tom with suspicion.

"The actor from Spider-Man and The Avengers. You watch E! News every night, so you oughta know."

"Tom Hiddleston?"

I rolled my eyes, while Tom laughed.

"No, Lou. That's the other Tom," I clarified. "Tom here, he was the one got you the catering gig in New York City with Blake Lively."

"Ah!" Lou's eyes lit up. "You like our tiramisu very much!"

"Yes," Tom confirmed with an enthusiastic nod.

I left the two of them to talk while I resumed my window cleaning task. I snuck glances at Tom, noting how good he looked in a dark denim jacket and light grey tee. His hair had grown longer, curlier.

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